This code is released under the Apache License 2.0.
This code uses a modified version of "SSL NIO Framework" by WIT-Software, Lda., licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA 2.0.
The code is released in its current research-quality form. We plan on future improvements if time allows. We are open to contributions from the community. Please generate a pull request if you would like to introduce a change.
Java >= 1.6
- Android >= 4.0
- Apache Cassandra >= 1.2.5
- OpenStack Swift >= 1.8.0
- Google Protocol Buffers >= 2.5.0
- Maven >= 3.2.1
Simba is partitioned into a few separate components.
Simba Content Service
Simba Client Library
Simba Gateway
Simba Store
Please see the Simba Cloud README for more information.
###Example App An example app is included to demonstrate the ease-of-use of the Simba Client API.
Please see our papers on Simba (FAST 2015, EuroSys 2015) for more information.
If you have questions, please join the discussion at our Google Group.