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A template for monorepos

A template to quickstart new projects at 2adapt.

Assumptions about the server

Initial configuration:

0 - create the application user and fetch the repo

# 1 - create a (regular) user for the application; add to the "2adapt" group;

sudo adduser ${APP_USER}
sudo usermod --append --groups 2adapt ${APP_USER}
groups ${APP_USER}

# note: if we do a usermod for our own user, it's necessary to logout/login
# to see the effect of the new group in the "groups" command; 
# or in alternative, re-login with ssh in the localhost

# 2 - now login with the new user, we should now be able to create stuff; 

mkdir /opt/2adapt/temp
ls -l /opt/2adapt
rmdir /opt/2adapt/temp

# 3 - manually clone the git repo

cd /opt/2adapt
git clone [email protected]:2adapt/app_name.git

1 - set the necessary env variables and enter the nix shell:

cp config/ config/
emacs config/

2 - create the database for the project:

export PGUSER_FOR_PROJECT="app_name";

# 2.1 - create a database user: normal user or super user:

# 2.1a - a normal user...
sudo --user postgres \
createuser --echo --no-createdb --inherit --login  --pwprompt --no-createrole --no-superuser --no-bypassrls --no-replication ${PGUSER_FOR_PROJECT}

# 2.1b - or a superuser
sudo --user postgres \
createuser --echo --superuser --pwprompt ${PGUSER_FOR_PROJECT}

# 2.2 - create the respective database
sudo --user postgres \

# if necessary, manually install extensions that must be installed by a database superuser:
# postgis; postgis_raster; postgis_topology; postgis_sfcgal; postgis_topology; dblink; file_fdw; postgres_fdw; pg_stat_statements;

# example: this will also install "postgis", because of "cascade"
sudo --user postgres \

# 2.3 - make sure we can connect; by default it will connect to a database 
# with the same name as the username (so --dbname could be omitted below);
psql --host=localhost --dbname=${PGUSER_FOR_PROJECT} --username=${PGUSER_FOR_PROJECT} 

# alternative: if the following PG* env variables are set, psql will use them: 
# so we now should set those variables in config/, enter in the nix shell 
# and verify again:

# 2.4 - create a table and insert some values
psql --command="create table test(id int, name text)";
psql --command="insert into test values (1, 'aaa')";
psql --command="insert into test values (2, 'bbb')";

4 - enter the nix dev shell and install dependencies from npm:

# 3a - classic nix cli...
# 3b - or modern nix cli
nix develop  

# install the dependencies with pnpm; make sure that $PWD is at the $PROJECT_HOME_DIR;  
if [ $PWD == $PROJECT_HOME_DIR ]; then echo "ok!"; fi

# if we are in production: after pnpm has finished, make sure that `pnpm-lock.yaml` 
# was not modified (it shouldn't if we have `CI="false"` in `config/`)

pnpm install

5 - verify that the SvelteKit webapp can be built and started:

cd packages/webapp

# 4a - check dev mode
pnpm run dev # or "node --run dev"

# 4b - prod mode
pnpm run build # or "node --run build"
node build/index.js

# at this point we should have the webapp working on http://localhost:${WEBAPP_PORT}

5 - configure DNS and import the project's Caddyfiles in the global Caddyfile (see details in section 1.3 and config/caddy/

sudo emacs /etc/caddy/Caddyfile
# edit the global caddyfile
sudo systemctl restart caddy

# at this point we should have the webapp working on https://${PROJECT_HOSTNAME}

6 - verify that the api server can be started:

cd packages/api
node src/server.js  # TODO: add this as a "run" command in package.json

7 - create the systemd service

Details here: config/systemd-units/

Template steps

1 - Create the initial monorepo structure, to be managed by pnpm and nix:

1.1 - Basic configuration files

# verify that the working directory is the workspace root directory/project base dir

touch .gitignore
touch pnpm-workspace.yaml
touch .npmrc

1.2 - nix files

mkdir -p config/nix

touch config/nix/flake.nix
touch config/nix/shell.nix

# the env variables in this file will be loaded abd available in the nix shell (below)
touch config/

It's convenient to have a shortcut for config/nix/flake.nix and config/nix/shell.nix in the project base directory:

# note that we actually want the symlink to have a relative path
ln -s ./config/nix/flake.nix flake.nix
ln -s ./config/nix/shell.nix shell.nix

# to enter the devshell using the new nix cli it's necessary that flake.nix is already part of the repo
git add flake.nix
git add ./config/nix/flake.nix 

# we can now enter the devshell
nix develop # using the new nix cli and flakes
nix-shell # or using the classic nix cli

1.3 - caddy files

mkdir -p config/caddy

touch config/caddy/Caddyfile-main

For local development: update the /etc/hosts to have a local domain:

sudo emacs /etc/hosts

Append a line like this: the-domain.local

NOTE: in some cases the "hot reload" in SvelteKit doesn't seem to work well with these local domains.

The global Caddyfile should import the project Caddyfile:

sudo emacs /etc/caddy/Caddyfile

# add a new site block

the-domain.local {

	# args[0] = WEBAPP_PORT = 5000
	# args[1] = API_PORT = 5001
	# args[2] = PROJECT_HOME_DIR = "/path/to/project-home-dir"

	import /path/to/project-home-dir/config/caddy/Caddyfile-main 5000 5001 "/path/to/project-home-dir"
	import /path/to/project-home-dir/config/caddy/Caddyfile-log "the-domain.local"
	import /path/to/project-home-dir/config/caddy/Caddyfile-dev "/path/to/project-home-dir"
	import /path/to/project-home-dir/config/caddy/Caddyfile-vite 5000
	# import /path/to/project-home-dir/config/caddy/Caddyfile-prod "/path/to/project-home-dir"

Caddy must be reloaded after the global Caddyfile (or one of the included Caddyfiles) are modified:

sudo systemctl reload caddy
sudo systemctl status caddy

We should now be able to load the webapp using https://the-domain.local/caddy-debug/hello (see step 3)

2 - Monorepo management with pnpm

2.1 - Create a workspace package


A directory in ./packages is a "workspace package".

mkdir -p packages/dummy-1
cd packages/dummy-1

# initialize the `dummy-1` workspace package (create a package.json) and install a module from npm:
pnpm init
pnpm add underscore

# observe the effect on package.json and in the structure of the monorepo
cat ./package.json

# created or updated by pnpm
cat ../../pnpm-lock.yaml 
ls -la ../../node_modules

# return to the workspace root/project base dir
cd ../..

At this point:

  • pnpm should have created pnpm-lock.yaml and node_modules in the project/workspace base dir
  • this node_modules in the base dir has a .pnpm subdirectory (hidden directory), which is where the modules used in our workspace packages are actually stored
  • a symlink is created from packages/dummy-1/node_modules/underscore to the respective directory in node_modules/.pnpm.

IMPORTANT: before installing a dependency for a workspace package (pnpm add <some-pkg>) we should always change the working directory so that we are in the directory of that workspace package; that is, we should do this:

cd packages/dummy-1
pnpm add <some-pkg>

Otherwise we end up with a package.json in the workspace base dir, which we don't want.

2.2 - Using an existing local workspace package as a dependency

A package in the workspace can also be used as a dependency:

mkdir -p packages/dummy-2
cd packages/dummy-2
pnpm init

# assuming that packages/dummy-1 was created before, we can now use it as a dependency
pnpm add dummy-1 --workspace

# observe the internal linking done by pnpm
cat ./package.json
ls -l node_modules/
cat ../../pnpm-lock.yaml | grep --context=9 dummy-2

3 - SvelteKit


mkdir -p packages/webapp
cd packages/webapp

# note: `pnpx` is an alias for `pnpm dlx` (and `pnpm dlx` is equivalent to `npx`)
# choose "skeleton project", "jsdoc", "eslint" and "prettier"
pnpx create-svelte@6

# equivalent: pnpm dlx create-svelte@6
# equivalent: pnpm create svelte@6

pnpm install

# if necessary, add extra packages
pnpm add @sveltejs/adapter-node @poppanator/sveltekit-svg --save-dev

# run in dev mode
pnpm run dev
# node --run dev  # nodejs >= 22

This template has adjustments to (or adds) these files:

  • vite.config.js
  • svelte.config.js
  • src/static (all static assets should be placed instead in src/static/static-webapp)

3.1 - Install TailwindCSS in the SvelteKit app


# main packages for TailwindCSS
pnpm add tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer --save-dev

# other useful plugins that we use (tailwindUI, and others)
pnpm add @tailwindcss/forms @tailwindcss/typography @tailwindcss/aspect-ratio tailwind-scrollbar tailwindcss-debug-screens daisyui --save-dev

# initialize the the tailwind.config.js and postcss.config.js configuration files 
# note: `pnpx` is an alias for `pnpm dlx` (and `pnpm dlx` is equivalent to `npx`)
pnpx tailwindcss init --esm --postcss

This template has adjustments to (or adds) these files:

  • tailwind.config.js
  • src/app.css
  • src/routes/+layout.svelte

In src/app.html we might have to do a few more small adjustments:

3.2 - Verify that the build is working


We are using the node adapter (instead of the default auto adapter). Make a build and run it:

pnpm run build
# node --run build  # nodejs >= 22

# inspect the build output
ncdu build

# run
node build/index.js

The port of the application is read from a predefined env variable. By default it is PORT, but since the we have set config.kit.adapter.envPrefix as "WEBAPP_" in svelte.config.js, it should now be WEBAPP_PORT (which should be defined in config/

WEBAPP_PORT=9999 node build/index.js

Other env variables that might be of interest:

  • HOST


"HTTP doesn't give SvelteKit a reliable way to know the URL that is currently being requested. If adapter-node can't correctly determine the URL of your deployment, you may experience this error when using form actions: "Cross-site POST form submissions are forbidden"

4 - API


mkdir -p packages/api
cd packages/api

# fastify-cli can be used without an explicit install using `pnpx`/`npx`
# note: `pnpx` is an alias for `pnpm dlx` (and `pnpm dlx` is equivalent to `npx`)

pnpx fastify-cli generate --help
pnpx fastify-cli generate . --esm
pnpm install

# run in dev mode (has watch mode and pino-pretty logging)
pnpm run dev
# node --run dev  # nodejs >= 22

# run in production mode (doesnt not have watch mode and pino-pretty logging)
pnpm run start
# node --run start  # nodejs >= 22

# use the explicit path to the fastify cli; this will start the main plugin (which will load all the other plugins via `@fastify/autoload`)
node_modules/.bin/fastify start --watch --port 4000 --options app.js

# we can also start just one specific plugin:
node_modules/.bin/fastify start --watch --port 4000 --options plugins/my-plugin.js

# we can give option for the plugin (received in the second parameter of the plugin function)
node_modules/.bin/fastify start --watch --port 4000 --options plugins/my-plugin.js -- --plugin-option=abc

Create a plugin with fastify-cli:

NOTE: the output will be too opinionated.

pnpx fastify-cli generate-plugin --help
pnpx fastify-cli generate-plugin the-plugin

TO BE REVIEW: from here

setup the api server (hapi)

pnpm create @hapipal api  # equivalent to: npm init @hapipal api
pnpm --filter="./api" install

install other dependencies

pnpm --filter="./api" add nodemon
pnpm --filter="./api" --workspace add postgres-connection 

in the scripts section of api/package.json, add a new dev script:

"scripts": {
	"dev": "nodemon server",
	"start": "node server",

start in dev mode:

cd api
pnpm run dev

or start directly from the workspace root directory / base directory:

pnpm --filter="./api" run dev

other notes (to be reviewed)