(Simple) proof of concept testing framework created to profile against other tests frameworks.
It's not a real test runner, and missing nice features like. Test diffing, and nice error messages. It also does not have a real stacktrace with support for things like js.map.
jest-light-runner seems to be the way to go if you want a fast jest-compatible api.
Here is the time difference for running all tests in tinyeth between jest, hjemmesnekret, and jest-light.
Jest uses cacheing, and that's why the time used decreases a lot after the first run for jest.
I also tried to use vitest, but was not able to get it to run on tinyeth (I got sefaults, and did not get a helpful error message).
Uvu was also fast, but does not have a jest compatible api, so it was not tested with tinyeth.
These were however tested in the benchmark