git clone https://github.com/AttackTeamFamily/cobaltstrike-bof-toolset.git
编译环境:kali linux
sudo apt install mingw-x64
git clone https://github.com/AttackTeamFamily/cobaltstrike-bof-toolset.git
cd cobaltstrike-bof-toolset
cd src/bof
for i in `ls`;do cd $i && make && cd ..;done
命令 | 使用 | 说明 |
domaininfo | domaininfo | 获取当前域和域控信息 |
clipboard | clipboard | 获取粘贴板中的文本 |
wifienum | wifienum | 枚举wifi接口 |
wifiedump | wifiedump [Wifi_Profile_Name] | dump wifi明文凭据 |
etw | etw [stop|start] | ETW Patching |
read_function | read_function [module] [function1,function2] | read_function ntdll.dll NtCreateProcess,NtCreateFile |
check_function | check_function [module] [function] | check_function ntdll.dll EtwEventWrite |
patch_function | patch_function [dll_path] [function_name] | patch_function ntdll.dll EtwEventWrite |
curl | curl host [port] [method] [--show] [useragent] [headers] [body] [--noproxy] | curl http://example.com 80 GET --show |
arp | arp | 列APR表 |
adcs_enum | adcs_enum | 使用Win32函数,在域控上枚举CA证书和模板 |
adcs_enum_com | adcs_enum_com | 使用ICertConfig COM对象,在域控上枚举CA证书和模板 |
adcs_enum_com2 | adcs_enum_com2 | 使用IX509PolicyServerListManager COM对象,在域控上枚举CA证书和模板 |
adv_audit_policies | adv_audit_policies | 获取高级安全审计策略 (advanced security audit policies) |
cacls | cacls [filepath] | 列指定文件的用户权限,支持通配符 |
driversigs | driversigs | enumerate installed services Imagepaths to check the signing cert against known edr/av vendors |
enum_filter_driver | enum_filter_driver [opt:computer] | Enumerates all the filter drivers |
enumLocalSessions | enumLocalSessions | 列当前会话,包含RDP |
env | env | 输出进程环境变量 |
findLoadedModule | findLoadedModule [modulepart] [opt:procnamepart] | Finds what processes *modulepart* is loaded into, optionally searching just *procnamepart* |
ipconfig | ipconfig | 简单获取ipv4 addresses, hostname and dns server |
ldapsearch | ldapsearch [query] [opt: attribute] [opt: results_limit] | Executes LDAP searches |
listdns | listdns | Pulls dns cache entries, attempts to query and resolve each |
listmods | listmods [opt: pid] | List a process modules (DLL). Target current process if pid is empty. Complement to driversigs to determine if our process was injected by edr/av. |
listpipes | listpipes | Lists named pipes |
netstat | netstat | tcp / udp ipv4 netstat listing |
netuser | netuser [username] [opt: domain] | Pulls info about specific user. Pulls from domain if a domainname is specified |
netview | netview | Gets a list of reachable servers in the current domain |
netGroupList | netGroupList [opt: domain] | Lists Groups from the default (or specified) domain |
netGroupListMembers | netGroupListMembers [groupname] [opt: domain] | Lists group members from the default (or specified) domain |
netLocalGroupList | netLocalGroupList [opt: server] | List local groups from the local (or specified) computer |
netLocalGroupListMembers | netLocalGroupListMembers [groupname] [opt: server] | Lists local groups from the local (or specified) computer |
nslookup | nslookup [hostname] [opt:dns server] [opt: record type] | Makes a dns query. dns server is the server you want to query (do not specify or 0 for default) record type is something like A, AAAA, or ANY. Some situations are limited due to observed crashes. |
reg_query | [opt:hostname] [hive] [path] [opt: value to query] | queries a registry value or enumerates a single key |
reg_query_recursive | [opt:hostname] [hive] [path] | recursively enumerates a key starting at path |
routeprint | routeprint | prints ipv4 configured routes |
schtasksenum | schtasksenum [opt: server] | 枚举所有的scheduled tasks 在本地或远程机器上 |
schtasksquery | schtasksquery [opt: server] [taskpath] | Queries the given task from the local or if provided remote machine |
sc_enum | sc_enum [opt:server] | Enumerates all services for qc, query, qfailure, and qtriggers info |
sc_qc | sc_qc [service name] [opt:server] | sc qc impelmentation in bof |
sc_qfailure | sc_qfailure [service name] [opt:server] | Queries a service for failure conditions |
sc_qtriggerinfo | sc_qtriggerinfo [service name] [opt:server] | Queries a service for trigger conditions |
sc_query | sc_query [opt: service name] [opt: server] | sc query implementation in bof |
sc_qdescription | sc_qdescription [service name] [opt: server] | sc qdescription implementation in bof |
tasklist | tasklist [opt: server] | Get a list of running processes including PID, PPID and ComandLine (uses wmi) |
whoami | whoami | simulates whoami /all |
windowlist | windowlist [opt:all] | lists visible windows in the current users session |
wmi_query | wmi_query query [opt: server] [opt: namespace] | Run a wmi query and display results in CSV format |
netsession | netsession [opt:computer] | Enumerates all sessions on the specified computer or the local one |
resources | resources | 输出内存和硬盘的使用情况和可用空间 |
uptime | uptime | 输出系统的启动时间和时长 |
vssenum | vssenum [hostname] [opt:sharename] | Enumerates shadow copies on some server 2012+ machines |
- https://github.com/ajpc500/BOFs
- https://github.com/rvrsh3ll/BOF_Collection
- https://github.com/trustedsec/CS-Situational-Awareness-BOF
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