Robot Overlord is 3D control software for robots. It is intended to be easier than ROS. It was started by
We would love to see your robot run in the app. Please joint our Discord channel and talk live with a human!
Some of the robots it controls are:
- Sixi 2+3, 6DOF arms
- Arm3, a 3DOF arm
- Thor, a 5DOF arm
- Rotary Stewart Platforms, like flight simulators
- Delta Robot 3, aka a Kossel
- Spidee, a 6 legged crab-style walker.
- Dog Robot, a generic 4 legged walker.
For our philosophy about RO, please see the Wiki:
Steps to get started:
- Install The latest OpenJDK (java software)
- Install Eclipse (prorgramming interface)
- Install Robot Overlord App
Then you should be able to run the application.
Get the Open Java Development Kit (OpenJDK) . The latest version is the "ready to use" edition.
OSX: Unarchive the OpenJDK tar, and place the resulting folder (i.e. jdk-12.jdk) into your /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/ folder since this is the standard and expected location of JDK installs. You can also install anywhere you want in reality.
Windows: untested
Linux: untested
- Download Eclipse IDE:
- install the latest.
- Choose "Eclipse IDE for Java developers"
- Goto
- Fownload this zip file: and extract it. Note the folder for later.
- Open Eclipse. If you see the "Welcome!" tab, close it.
- Go to File > Import > Maven > Existing Maven Projects > Next > (folder from previous step) > Finish
- Go to Window > Show View > Package Explorer
- Right click on "Robot Overlord" in Package Explorer view and select > Maven > Update Project
- select Run > Debug As > Java Application
- select "Robot Overlord - com.marginallyclever.robotOverlord.RobotOverlord" and click OK.
- Wait while the progress bar in the bottom right fills up. This is a one time thing.
- "Errors exist...Proceed with launch?" Select Proceed.
Application should now launch.
Camera movement: middle mouse button. Click and drag to move forward and back. shift+drag to orbit. roll the middle mouse to change the orbit distance.
Double click any entity in the scene to select it, or use the entity panel in the top right.
For robot arms, select an arm and then open the control panel.
If you're reading this, make an issue ticket and we will respond to it promptly.