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Releases: 670669662/IsoVist-of-Street-Network

v0.5 Epsilon

11 Oct 03:03
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The fourth release of IsoView of street network comparison
Prerequisites for use:

Please Install the Decodingspace plugin and Caribou plugin; recommend using rhino7.0 and above.
The caribou plug-in can be used in rhino with the package manager. Decoding space can‘t be downloaded in the package manager and food4rhino. It needs to be downloaded from the website.

The new version no longer needs to install rabbits to generate random colours

Features introduction:

  • Use remap and gradient to generate the icon colour of Human UI with more line length
  • Optimized the number of overall connections for more convenience and operation

v0.4 Delta

06 Oct 18:10
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The fourth release of IsoView of street network comparison

Prerequisites for use:

Please Install Decodingspace plugin and Caribou plugin; recommend using rhino7.0 and above.
The caribou plug-in can be used in rhino with the package manager. Decoding space can‘t be downloaded in the package manager and food4rhino. It needs to be downloaded from the website.

Because it is temporarily impossible to quickly change the data colour in Grasshopper. The random colour of the Hare plug-in is used. Please use Hare in this version (subsequently consider removing it)

Features introduction:

  • Added simultaneous comparison of the data on both sides of the two parts in the range (East Berlin, West Berlin)
  • Optimize the display effect of Human UI, can compare 2 different data (average value, single value) at the same time
  • Optimized the Bug that the road cannot be visualized according to the gradient colour of the length remap
  • Optimized the battery visualization part of IsoView

v0.3 Gamma

06 Oct 17:34
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The third release of IsoView of street network comparison

Prerequisites for use:

Please Install Decodingspace plugin and Caribou plugin; recommend using rhino7.0 and above.
The caribou plug-in can be used in rhino with the package manager. Decoding space can‘t be downloaded in the package manager and food4rhino. It needs to be downloaded from the website.

Because it is temporarily impossible to quickly change the data colour in Grasshopper. The random colour of the Hare plug-in is used. Please use Hare in this version (subsequently consider removing it)

Features introduction:

- Added Human UI for visualization of specific values(single value, all value, value average)

v0.2 Beta

06 Oct 17:15
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The second release of IsoView of street network comparison

Prerequisites for use:

Please Install Decodingspace plugin and Caribou plugin; recommend using rhino7.0 and above.
The caribou plug-in can be used in rhino with the package manager. Decoding space can‘t be downloaded in the package manager and food4rhino. It needs to be downloaded from the website.

Features introduction:

  • Visualize the spatial scope of the urban green space and the shortest path can choose the shortest path to the green space
  • Visualize the starting point, ending point and road distance of the shortest path
  • Because of the amount of calculation, the linkage relationship between the timer and IsoView was cancelled, and instead, the relationship between multiple arrival points and IsoView visualization in a city level was added
  • Added the function of selecting the range, the user can select the best distance of the car, pedestrian, bicycle, to generate the simulation range

v0.1 Alpha

20 Aug 14:20
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The initial release of IsoView of street network comparison

Prerequisites for use
Please Install Decodingspace plugin and Caribou plugin; recommend using rhino7.0 and above.
The caribou plug-in can be used in rhino with the package manager. Decoding space can‘t be downloaded in the package manager and food4rhino. It needs to be downloaded from the website.

Features introduction:
Through the timer, the user can get the change of IsoView on the fixed route. At the same time, because of the connection of IsoView and Caribou, the user can know the properties of the building on the observation point (house number, zip code, specific address, etc.)