Releases: 99linesofcode/.github
Releases · 99linesofcode/.github
Bug Fixes
- changelog: checkout and use custom username and email (e1ae0f7)
- changelog: give write permissions to GITHUB_TOKEN (ebf2de3)
- changelog: invalid workflow file (0b64682)
- changelog: skip creating version file (c610a21)
- dependabot: config was in the wrong directory (bf9ec76)
- deploy: align PHP version with (dev) containers (c1843ff)
- deploy: cannot reference services context from global variables (4fb8d27)
- deploy: deploy.yml was renamed to kamal.yml (21b13e6)
- deploy: generate autoload.php and disable interaction (815bf1d)
- deploy: install composer and laravel dependencies (c99f114)
- deploy: reduce number of tests for now (655dc3e)
- deploy: should run on workflow call (fcdfb3d)
- deploy: typo prevented bundler from caching installed gems (9237184)
- deploy: use correct syntax for defining env variables (5628e02)
- deps: bump TriPSs/conventional-changelog-action from 5 to 6 (eccbcea)
- test: build tailwindcss manifest file so tests run succesfully (dfacff5)
- test: copy .env.testing and set application encryption key (577f716)
- test: run migrations in testing environment (80b341e)
- test: stability should come from matrix.stability variable (2264e98)
- test: use dedicated .env.testing.github dotenv (0042bae)
- workflow: don't run on .github itself (e450b7f)
- workflow: run migration before running PHPUnit tests (bc93511)
- callable github action for testing laravel applications with phpunit (d834148)
- changelog: create a lightweight tag (f94c512)
- changelog: create Github release (885da38)
- changelog: find GitHub usernames in release notes and link to their profile (be9315d)
- changelog: scaffold changelog workflow (1e715cf)
- changelog: trigger changelog generation for this repo as well (b125875)
- deploy: pass in decryption key from calling repository (2bedcad)
- deploy: pass in remaining secrets from caller repository (b9789c3)
- human readable changelogs that follow the Keep a Changelog format (7cfc38a)
- test: accept caller input for database name (6f4af0e)
- test: add missing healthcheck command for soketi service (705cf3d)
- test: enable test coverage reporting (131ae9a)
- workflow: add soketi service for feature testing (a6ed8c4)
- workflow: automatic deployment using Kamal (82672dc)