npm install && npm start
This is a job tracking app that allows users to keep track of their job applications. Users can add new jobs, edit existing jobs, and view all their jobs on a dashboard.
User authentication: users can register and login to access their dashboard
Add new jobs: users can add new jobs with details such as company name, position, and status.
Edit jobs: users can edit existing jobs and update their details
View all jobs: users can view all their jobs on a dashboard
Responsive design: the app is designed to work on desktop and mobile devices
React: front-end framework for building user interfaces
Node.js: back-end runtime environment for running JavaScript code
Express: web application framework for Node.js
MongoDB: NoSQL database for storing job data
Axios: Promise-based HTTP client for making API requests
bcrypt: library for hashing passwords
JWT: library for generating JSON web tokens for user authentication.
Moment.js: library for formatting dates