design your command like Commando lib but easier (best choice for making cores)
namespace Author\Plugin;
use pocketmine\command\CommandSender;
use pocketmine\world\Position;
use AEDXDEV\ECMD\BaseCommand;
use AEDXDEV\ECMD\args\{
class MyCommand extends BaseCommand {
protected function prepare(): void{
// Register main command arguments
$this->registerArgument(0, new StringArgument("player"));
$this->registerArgument(1, new BoolArgument("say_hello", true));
// Register sub-command
new Vector3Argument("position")
function(CommandSender $sender, array $args) {
false // Player-only
new StringArgument("player"),
new TextArgument("message")
function(CommandSender $sender, array $args) {
$target = $sender->getServer()->getPlayerExact($args["player"]);
$target?->sendMessage($sender->getName() . " §eSent to you a message: §7" . $args["message"] . "§e");
true // Player, Console
public function onRun(CommandSender $sender, string $label, array $args): void {
// Main command logic
$target = $this->getServer()->getPlayerByPrefix($args["player"]);
if($args["say_hello"]) {
$target?->sendMessage($sender->getName() . " §bwelcomes you");
Type | Class | Example |
String | StringArgument |
"PocketMine" |
Text | TextArgument |
"Hello world!" |
Integer | IntegerArgument |
42 |
Float | FloatArgument |
3.14 |
Boolean | BooleanArgument |
true/false |
Position | Vector3Argument |
100 64 200 |
Block Position | BlockPositionArgument |
~ ~ ~1 |
This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 License.
- aedxdev