This repository contains a collection of tools for scraping and processing documentation from various sources.
A powerful documentation scraper built on top of Firecrawl, designed for efficient extraction and processing of web-based documentation.
# Clone the repository
git clone
cd doc_4_cursor
# Create and activate conda environment
conda create -n doc-scraper python=3.10
conda activate doc-scraper
# Install Firecrawl scraper
cd doc_scraper_fc
pip install -e .
# Configure API key
cp .env_example .env
# Edit .env and add your Firecrawl API key
# Basic URL scraping
python --output ./scraped_docs
# Crawl entire documentation site
python --output ./scraped_docs --crawl
# Run tests
pytest tests/ -v
A traditional web scraping tool using BeautifulSoup and other Python libraries for documentation extraction.
# Using the same conda environment
cd doc_scraper
pip install -e .
# Basic scraping
python --output ./docs
# Run tests
pytest tests/ -v
# Create conda environment
conda create -n doc-scraper python=3.10
conda activate doc-scraper
# Install development dependencies for both packages
cd doc_scraper_fc
pip install -e ".[dev]"
cd ../doc_scraper
pip install -e ".[dev]"
# Test Firecrawl scraper
cd doc_scraper_fc
pytest tests/ -v --cov=doc_scraper_fc
# Test classic scraper
cd ../doc_scraper
pytest tests/ -v --cov=doc_scraper
# Format code
black .
# Sort imports
isort .
# Type checking
mypy .
├── doc_scraper_fc/ # Firecrawl-based scraper
│ ├── doc_scraper_fc/ # Package source
│ ├── tests/ # Test files
│ ├── config/ # Configuration files
│ └── # Package documentation
└── doc_scraper/ # Classic scraper
├── doc_scraper/ # Package source
├── tests/ # Test files
└── # Package documentation
- Fork the repository
- Create your feature branch
- Run tests and ensure they pass
- Submit a pull request
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.