Analysis of differences in emergency hospital admissions across Aberdeen city
Areas in Aberdeen city, Aberdeenshire and Moray where it is most difficult to socially distance
Neighbourhoods in Aberdeen with the most people living in overcrowded homes
Analysis of overcrowding and high population density areas in Aberdeen
Neighbourhoods in Aberdeen with the most people living in communal establishments
(under development!) Analysis of areas in Grampian with most vulnerable children
Areas in Aberdeen city, Aberdeenshire and Moray by Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation
Areas of Shetland by Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation
Analysis of travel vulnerabilities - public transit commuters and remote households without a car
Neighbourhoods in Aberdeen with the most people over age 70
Neighbourhoods in Aberdeen with the most people under age 10
Neighbourhoods in Grampian with the largest populations who can't speak English
Neighbourhoods in Aberdeen with the largest BAME populations
Each page contains links to corresponding data and analysis code
Please contact Jess Butler at [email protected]