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Releases: AdrianApan/yamde

[FIX] v1.7.1

10 Sep 09:53
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  • Fix an issue with the dist folder when running npm publish

[RELEASE] v1.7.0

10 Sep 09:07
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  • Add required prop (defaults to false)

Credits to @joepio for his contribution on this.

🐛 Fix toolbar filtering on mobile view

08 May 13:52
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Toolbar should be filtered correctly now on mobile too when passing in the toolbar prop.

✨ Toolbar customisation options

08 May 13:31
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You can customize the toolbar actions by passing in the toolbar prop (toolbar?: string[]).
Omiting this prop will default to showing all available actions.

<Yamde value={text} handler={setText} toolbar={['bold', 'italic', 'strikethrough']} />

Available actions:

Identifier Description
bold Bold text.
italic Italic text.
strikethrough Strikethrough text
heading1 Heading 1 (H1)
heading2 Heading 2 (H2)
heading3 Heading 3 (H3)
ulist Unordered list
olist Ordered list
table Table markdown
image Image markdown
quote Blockquote markdown
code Code highlight
hr Horizontal rule

⚡️ Move to Ant Design icons

18 Apr 16:43
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Dropped react-icon in favour of @ant-design/icons, considerably reducing bundle size and performance.

Reduce bundle size

18 Apr 15:06
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Reduce bundle size from 1.2MB (297.7KB gzipped) to 162.37KB (50.77KB gzipped). The react-icons package turned out to be the pain point when introducing a bundler such as rollup in the mix. While this is an immediate optimisation, the next version will replace react-icons entirely and will introduce a bundler such as rollup for maximum optimisation.

🔍 Add package keywords

15 Apr 19:49
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Add extra package.json keywords.

🎉 First stable release

15 Apr 19:08
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Base features:

  • 14 action buttons
  • Responsive UI
  • Dark/Light mode support