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Roamify: Your All-in-One Travel Planner

Introducing our all-in-one travel platform designed to make your vacation planning effortless and exciting! Whether you’re dreaming of historic landmarks, relaxing beaches, or family-friendly adventures, our app brings everything together for the perfect trip.


Planning a vacation can often feel overwhelming, with countless websites and apps needed to organize accommodations, activities, and itineraries. Our all-in-one travel platform was born out of the need to simplify this process and make vacation planning not just easy, but enjoyable. Whether you're a history buff exploring iconic landmarks, a beach lover seeking the perfect getaway, or a family searching for memorable adventures, our app consolidates all aspects of your trip into one seamless experience. With this platform, we aim to transform the way people plan vacations, making it stress-free and truly exciting.

Build Status

Current State: Partially Functional with Known Limitations

Known Issues and Missing Features

As Roamify is actively under development, we aim to be transparent about its current limitations to manage expectations and ensure clarity for users and contributors. Below is a list of identified issues and missing functionalities that are affecting the system:

  • Tour Guide Features:

    • Inability to create, read, or update profiles with comprehensive details like previous work and experience.
  • Account Deletion:

    • The feature allowing users (Tourist/Tour Guide/Advertiser/Seller) to request account deletion is currently not available.
  • Admin Features:

    • Missing functionality to add another admin to the system.
  • Tourism Management:

    • Incomplete features for creating and updating details of museums and historical places.
  • Reporting Tools:

    • Sellers cannot view sales reports detailing revenue.
    • Tour Guides and Advertisers lack access to reports showing the total number of tourists using their services.
  • Moderation Tools:

    • Admins cannot flag activities as required.
  • User Guidance:

    • Missing comprehensive step-by-step guide for tourists on starting their vacation.
  • Feedback and Interaction:

    • Tourists are currently unable to rate, comment on tour guides, itineraries, or events they attended.
  • Historical Data:

    • Tourists cannot view past activities or itineraries they paid for.
  • Notification System:

    • The system does not support notifications for events booking start, nor does it send reminders for upcoming events via the app or email.
    • Missing functionality for birthday promo code distribution via email and system notifications.
    • Sellers do not receive notifications when products are out of stock.
  • Loyalty and Rewards:

    • The system does not currently track or award loyalty points for payments made for events or itineraries.
  • Product Management:

    • Missing ability for sellers to archive or unarchive products.

We are actively working to address these issues and plan to roll out updates in the upcoming releases. Our team appreciates your patience and support as we strive to enhance Roamify's capabilities and reliability.

Development Roadmap

We are prioritizing these issues based on their impact and the frequency of feedback from our users. If you encounter any problems or have suggestions, please report them via our GitHub issues page or contact our support team directly.

Code Style

Roamify adheres to best practices in software development to ensure a clean, maintainable, and scalable codebase. Here's a detailed overview of our code style and architectural choices:


  • Model-View-Controller (MVC): Our backend is structured following the MVC pattern. This approach separates data modeling, business logic, and user interface concerns, making the codebase more organized and maintainable.
  • Component-Based Architecture: The frontend utilizes React's component-based architecture, allowing for reusable UI components. This modularity enhances the maintainability and scalability of the user interface.

Coding Standards

  • JavaScript/ES6+: We leverage modern JavaScript features, employing ES6+ syntax for cleaner and more efficient code.
  • Indentation and Formatting: Uniform use of 2 spaces for indentation across all JavaScript and JSX files. We utilize Prettier as an automated code formatter to maintain consistent style.
  • Naming Conventions:
    • Variables and Functions: Use camelCase for identifiers.
    • Classes and React Components: Use PascalCase.
    • Constants: Defined in UPPER_CASE.
  • Comments and Documentation: Extensive commenting is encouraged, especially for complex logic. Major functions and components are documented using JSDoc to clarify purpose and usage.

Code Reviews

  • Pull Requests: Changes to the codebase are submitted through pull requests, each requiring at least one peer review to ensure adherence to coding standards and overall quality.
  • Linting: ESLint is configured to enforce coding standards and prevent common errors. It runs automatically as part of our continuous integration process.

This structured approach to coding and architecture ensures that Roamify's codebase remains robust, readable, and easy to navigate for both current developers and new contributors.


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Screenshot 16

Tech Stack

Roamify leverages a diverse set of technologies to deliver a robust and user-friendly platform. Here's a breakdown of our technical stack:


  • React: Powers the interactive elements of our user interface, ensuring a responsive and dynamic user experience.
  • Bootstrap & Tailwind: Utilized for styling and layout, these frameworks help in creating a modern and mobile-responsive design.


  • Node.js: Provides the runtime environment for our backend.
  • Express: A web application framework for Node.js, used to build our server-side logic including RESTful APIs.
  • CronJob & Agenda: Used for scheduling tasks that need to run periodically or at specific times.


  • MongoDB: A NoSQL database used to store and retrieve data dynamically, enhancing performance and scalability.


  • Material-UI & Chakra-ui: These libraries provide a comprehensive suite of UI tools and components that adhere to modern design principles, enabling us to craft aesthetically pleasing interfaces.

API Testing

Testing Tool

API testing was conducted using Postman, a popular tool for API development and testing.

Click the link to join the shared Postman workspace for testing.


  • Light/dark mode toggle
  • Live previews
  • Fullscreen mode
  • Cross platform

API Reference

API Routes Documentation

Method Endpoint Description
POST /api/user/create-user Create a new user
POST /api/user/login User login
POST /api/user/change-password Change user password
POST /api/user/upload-documents Upload user documents
PUT /api/user/accept-reject-terms-and-conditions Accept or reject terms and conditions
DELETE /api/user/delete-account Delete user account
POST /api/tourist/create-profile Create a tourist profile
GET /api/tourist/get-profile Get tourist profile
GET /api/tourist/get-wallet Get tourist wallet information
PUT /api/tourist/update-profile Update tourist profile
POST /api/tourist/book-itinerary Book an itinerary
POST /api/tourist/book-place Book a place
DELETE /api/tourist/cancel-place Cancel a booked place
POST /api/tourist/book-activity Book an activity
PUT /api/tourist/select-preferences Select tourist preferences
POST /api/tourist/book-transportation Book transportation
DELETE /api/tourist/cancel-itinerary-booking Cancel itinerary booking
DELETE /api/tourist/cancel-activity-booking Cancel activity booking
DELETE /api/tourist/cancel-transportation-booking Cancel transportation booking
GET /api/tourist/get-booked-transportations Get all booked transportations
GET /api/tourist/get-all-booked-activities Get all booked activities
GET /api/tourist/get-all-booked-places Get all booked places
GET /api/tourist/get-all-booked-itineraries Get all booked itineraries
GET /api/tourist/get-all-upcoming-booked-itineraries Get all upcoming booked itineraries
GET /api/tourist/get-all-upcoming-booked-activities Get all upcoming booked activities
GET /api/tourist/get-all-transportation Get all available transportation
GET /api/tourist/view-points-level View tourist points level
GET /api/tourist/view-total-refunds View total refunds
PUT /api/tourist/redeem-points Redeem points
GET /api/tourist/get-upcoming-booked-transportations Get upcoming booked transportations
GET /api/tourist/tour-guide/unrated Get unrated tour guides
POST /api/tourist/review/rate/tour-guide/:tourGuideId Rate a tour guide
POST /api/tourist/review/comment/tour-guide/:tourGuideId Comment on a tour guide
POST /api/tourist/review/rate/itinerary/:itineraryId Rate an itinerary
POST /api/tourist/review/comment/itinerary/:itineraryId Comment on an itinerary
POST /api/tourist/review/rate/activity/:activityId Rate an activity
POST /api/tourist/review/comment/activity/:activityId Comment on an activity
PUT /api/tourist/enable-notifications-on-events Enable notifications on events
POST /api/tourguide/create-profile Create a tour guide profile
GET /api/tourguide/get-profile Get tour guide profile
PUT /api/tourguide/update-profile Update tour guide profile
POST /api/tourguide/create-itinerary Create an itinerary
PUT /api/tourguide/update-itinerary/:itineraryId Update an itinerary
DELETE /api/tourguide/delete-itinerary/:itineraryId Delete an itinerary
GET /api/tourguide/get-my-itineraries Get all itineraries created by the tour guide
POST /api/tourguide/upload-profile-picture Upload a profile picture
PUT /api/tourguide/set-status-itinerary Set the status of an itinerary
GET /api/tourguide/view-revenue View revenue
GET /api/tourguide/view-tourists View tourists
POST /api/advertiser/create-profile Create an advertiser profile
GET /api/advertiser/get-profile Get advertiser profile
PUT /api/advertiser/update-profile Update advertiser profile
POST /api/advertiser/create-activity Create an activity
PUT /api/advertiser/update-activity/:activityId Update an activity
DELETE /api/advertiser/delete-activity/:activityid Delete an activity
PUT /api/advertiser/disable-activity-booking Disable activity booking
PUT /api/advertiser/enable-activity-booking Enable activity booking
POST /api/advertiser/upload-logo Upload advertiser logo
GET /api/advertiser/get-my-activities Get all activities by the advertiser
POST /api/advertiser/create-transportation Create transportation
GET /api/advertiser/get-transportations Get all transportations
GET /api/advertiser/get-my-transportations Get advertiser's transportations
DELETE /api/advertiser/delete-transportation Delete transportation
PUT /api/advertiser/edit-transportation Edit transportation
GET /api/advertiser/view-revenue View advertiser's revenue
GET /api/advertiser/view-tourists View tourists for advertiser
POST /api/seller/create-profile Create seller profile
GET /api/seller/get-profile Get seller profile
PUT /api/seller/update-profile Update seller profile
POST /api/seller/upload-logo Upload seller logo
GET /api/seller/sales-report Get sales report
POST /api/tourismgovernor/create-place Create a place
GET /api/tourismgovernor/get-places Get all places
PUT /api/tourismgovernor/update-place/:historicalPlaceId Update a place
DELETE /api/tourismgovernor/delete-place/:historicalPlaceId Delete a place
GET /api/tourismgovernor/get-my-places Get all places created by the governor
POST /api/tourismgovernor/create-historical-tag Create a historical tag
POST /api/admin/add-tourism-governor Add a tourism governor
DELETE /api/admin/delete-account/:id Delete a user account
POST /api/admin/add-admin Add an admin
GET /api/admin/get-users/:role Get users by role
POST /api/admin/create-category Create a category
PUT /api/admin/update-category/:id Update a category
DELETE /api/admin/delete-category/:id Delete a category
POST /api/admin/create-preference-tag Create a preference tag
GET /api/admin/get-all-preference-tags Get all preference tags
PUT /api/admin/update-preference-tag/:id Update a preference tag
DELETE /api/admin/delete-preference-tag/:id Delete a preference tag
POST /api/admin/create-historical-tag Create a historical tag
PUT /api/admin/edit-product/:id Edit a product
PUT /api/admin/add-product/:id Add a product
GET /api/admin/view-uploaded-docs/:userId View uploaded documents
PUT /api/admin/accept-reject-user Accept or reject a user
PUT /api/admin/flag-itinerary Flag an itinerary
PUT /api/admin/flag-activity Flag an activity
PUT /api/admin/unflag-itinerary Unflag an itinerary
GET /api/admin/get-pending-users Get pending users
GET /api/admin/view-users View all users
GET /api/cart/ Get cart details
POST /api/cart/product Add product to cart
DELETE /api/cart/product/:productId Remove product from cart
PATCH /api/cart/product/:productId/decrement Decrement product quantity in cart
PATCH /api/cart/product/:productId/increment Increment product quantity in cart
POST /api/cart/checkout Checkout
POST /api/wishlist/:productId Add product to wishlist
POST /api/wishlist/:productId/cart Add wishlist product to cart
DELETE /api/wishlist/:productId Remove product from wishlist
GET /api/wishlist/ Get wishlist details
PUT /api/bookmark/activity Bookmark an activity
PUT /api/bookmark/itinerary Bookmark an itinerary
GET /api/bookmark/activity Get bookmarked activities
GET /api/bookmark/itinerary Get bookmarked itineraries
DELETE /api/bookmark/activity Remove bookmark from activity
DELETE /api/bookmark/itinerary Remove bookmark from itinerary
POST /api/product/add-product Add a product
PUT /api/product/edit-product/:id Edit a product
GET /api/product/ Get product details
GET /api/product/fetch-my-products Get products created by user
POST /api/product/archive/:id Archive a product
POST /api/product/unarchive/:id Unarchive a product
POST /api/product/review Review a product
GET /api/itinerary/ Get itineraries
GET /api/activity/ Get activities
GET /api/category/get-all Get all categories
GET /api/preference-tag/get-all Get all preference tags
GET /api/historical-tag/get-all Get all historical tags
GET /api/places/ Get places
POST /api/complaint/create Create a complaint
GET /api/complaint/ Get complaints
GET /api/complaint/details/:complaintId Get complaint details
GET /api/complaint/my-complaints Get user's complaints
PATCH /api/complaint/resolve/:complaintId Resolve a complaint
PATCH /api/complaint/reply/:complaintId Reply to a complaint
GET /api/exchange-rate/fetch-all Fetch all exchange rates
POST /api/flights/search Search for flights
GET /api/notifications/ Get notifications
PUT /api/notifications/ Update notifications
POST /api/hotels/search Search for hotels
POST /api/reset-password/send-otp Send OTP for password reset
POST /api/reset-password/check-otp Check OTP for password reset
POST /api/reset-password/ Reset password
POST /api/address/ Add an address
GET /api/address/ Get addresses
PATCH /api/address/:id/default Set default address
DELETE /api/address/:id Delete an address
PATCH /api/order/:orderId/address/:addressId Update order address
POST /api/order/:orderId/payment Make payment for order
PATCH /api/order/:orderId/delivery Mark order as delivered
POST /api/order/:orderId/confirm-cod Confirm COD for order
GET /api/order/ Get orders
GET /api/order/:orderId Get order details
PATCH /api/order/:orderId/cancel Cancel an order
PATCH /api/order/:orderId/promo-code/:promoCode Apply promo code to order
POST /api/promocode/ Create a promo code

Code Examples

Below are several code snippets that demonstrate how key functionalities are implemented within our Roamify application, spanning both backend logic and frontend components.

Add Address

This function allows users to add a new address to their profile, ensuring all necessary fields are provided:

const addAddress = async (req, res) => {
    try {
        const { name, street, city, state, postalCode, country, isDefault } = req.body;
        if (!name || !street || !city || !postalCode || !country) {
            return res.status(400).json({
                message: "Name, street, city, postal code, and country are required."
        const newAddress = new addressModel({
            user: req.user._id,
            isDefault: isDefault || false,
        if (isDefault) {
            await addressModel.updateMany({ user: req.user._id }, { isDefault: false });
        const savedAddress = await;
        if (!savedAddress) {
            return res.status(500).json({
                message: "An error occurred while creating the address. Please try again later."
        res.status(201).json({ message: "Address added successfully." });
    } catch (error) {
            message: "An unexpected error occurred while adding the address.",
            error: error.message,

Create Category

const createCategory = async (req, res) => {
  try {
    const { name, description } = req.body;

    if (!name || !description) {
      return res.status(400).json({ message: "Name and description are required." });

    const existingCategory = await categoryModel.findOne({ name });
    if (existingCategory) {
      return res.status(400).json({ message: "A category with this name already exists. Please choose a unique name." });

    const newCategory = new categoryModel({ name, description });

      message: "Category created successfully.",
      category: newCategory,
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error creating category:", error);
      message: "An unexpected error occurred while creating the category. Please try again later.",
      error: error.message,

Rate Tour Guide

const rateTourGuide = async (req, res) => {
    try {
        const userId = req.user._id;
        const tourGuideId= req.params.tourGuideId;
        const {rating} = req.body;

        // Verify that the user exists
        const tourist = await userModel.findById(userId);
        if (!tourist) {
            return res.status(400).json({ message: 'User does not exist' });
        // Retrieve itinerary tickets where the itinerary date has passed
        const itineraryTickets = await itineraryTicketModel
            .find({ tourist: userId, status: 'active' })
                path: 'itinerary',
                select: '_id name tourGuide availableDates',
                populate: {
                    path: 'tourGuide',
                    select: '_id username', // Get tour guide ID and username only

        // Filter tickets to include only those with past dates
        const completedItineraries = itineraryTickets.filter(ticket => {
            return ticket.itinerary && ticket.itinerary.availableDates.some(date => new Date(date) < new Date());

        // Extract unique tour guides the tourist has toured with
        const uniqueTourGuides = Array.from(
            new Map(
       => [ticket.itinerary.tourGuide._id.toString(), {
                    tourGuideId: ticket.itinerary.tourGuide._id,
                    tourGuideName: ticket.itinerary.tourGuide.username

        // Check if the provided tourGuideId is in the list of unique tour guides
        const isTourGuideCompleted = uniqueTourGuides.some(guide => guide.tourGuideId.toString() === tourGuideId);
        if (!isTourGuideCompleted) {
            return res.status(400).json({ message: 'You can only rate a tour guide you have completed a tour with' });

        // Check if a rating already exists for this tourist and tour guide, if so, update it
        const existingReview = await tourGuideReviewModel.findOne({ tourist: userId, tourGuide: tourGuideId });
        if (existingReview) {
            existingReview.rating = rating;
            return res.status(200).json({ message: 'Tour guide rating updated successfully' });

        // If no existing review, create a new one
        const newReview = await tourGuideReviewModel.create({
            tourist: userId,
            tourGuide: tourGuideId,

        res.status(201).json({ message: 'Tour guide rated successfully', review: newReview });
    } catch (error) {
        console.error("Error rating tour guide:", error);
        res.status(500).json({ message: "An error occurred while rating the tour guide" });

Tour Guide Create Profile

const createProfile = async (req, res) => {
  try {
    const userId = req.user._id;

    if (!userId) {
      return res.status(400).json({ message: "User authentication failed. Please log in and try again." });

    const user = await userModel.findById(userId);

    if (user.status === "pending") {
      return res.status(403).json({ message: "Your account is pending admin approval. Please wait for approval before creating a profile." });

    if (!user.termsAndConditions) {
      return res.status(400).json({ message: "You must accept the terms and conditions to create a profile." });

    const existingProfile = await tourGuideModel.findOne({ user: userId });
    if (existingProfile) {
      return res.status(400).json({ message: "A profile already exists for this account. Duplicate profiles are not allowed." });

    const { mobileNumber, yearsOfExperience, previousWork } = req.body;

    if (!mobileNumber) {
      return res.status(400).json({ message: "Mobile number is required to create a profile." });

    await userModel.findByIdAndUpdate(userId, { status: "active" });

    const newTourGuide = new tourGuideModel({
      user: userId,


    res.status(201).json({ message: "Your tour guide profile has been created successfully!" });
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error creating tour guide profile:", error.message);
    res.status(500).json({ message: "An unexpected error occurred while creating your profile. Please try again later.", error: error.message });

Cart Item Display

import React, { useState } from "react";

const CartItem = (item, handleIncrement, handleDecrement) => {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(item.quantity);
  return (
        display: "flex",
        alignItems: "center",
        justifyContent: "space-between",
        marginBottom: "15px",
        height: "35vh",
        padding: "30px",
        border: "1px solid var(--secondary-border-color)",
        borderRadius: "8px",
        backgroundColor: "var(--secondary-color)",
          display: "flex",
          alignItems: "center",
          height: "80%",
          padding: "30px 0px",
          borderRadius: "8px",
            flex: 1,
            objectFit: "cover",
            borderRadius: "0px",
            marginRight: "10px",
        <strong style={{ fontSize: "25px" }}>{}</strong>

          display: "flex",
          alignItems: "center",
          justifyContent: "center",
          gap: "10px",
          flex: "0 0 auto",
            width: "60px",
            height: "40px",
            backgroundColor: "#8b3eea",
            border: "none",
            borderRadius: "5px",
            fontSize: "25px",
            color: "#fff",
            display: "flex",
            alignItems: "center",
            justifyContent: "center",
            cursor: "pointer",
          onClick={() => {
          {item.quantity == 1 ? (
            <DeleteIcon fill="white" height="20px" width="20px" />
          ) : (
            minWidth: "40px",
            height: "40px",
            lineHeight: "40px",
            textAlign: "center",
            fontSize: "20px",
            width: "60px",
            height: "40px",
            backgroundColor: "#8b3eea",
            border: "none",
            borderRadius: "5px",
            fontSize: "22px",
            color: "#fff",
            display: "flex",
            alignItems: "center",
            justifyContent: "center",
            cursor: "pointer",
          onClick={() => handleIncrement(item.productId)}
          backgroundColor: "transparent",
          border: "none",
          color: "#f44336",
          cursor: "pointer",
          fontSize: "20px",
          display: "flex",
          alignItems: "center",
          justifyContent: "center",
        onClick={() => handleDelete(item.productId)}
        <DeleteIcon fill="var(--text-color)" height="20px" width="20px" />

export default CartItem;


Follow these steps to set up the project locally:

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:
cd Roamify
  1. Install dependencies for both servers: For the frontend server:
cd Roamify/frontend
npm i

For the backend server:

cd backend
npm i
  1. Start both servers: For the frontend server:
cd Roamify/frontend
npm run dev

For the backend server:

cd Roamify/backend
npm start

How to Use

Roamify provides a seamless experience tailored to various user roles, including Tourists, Tour Guides, Advertisers, Sellers, Admins, and Tourism Governors. Here's how each role can interact with the application:

1. Tourist

Tourists can plan trips, book activities, and manage preferences:

  • Create and Manage Profile:
    • Register as a tourist with your personal details, including email, username, password, and DOB.
    • Update your profile and wallet details.
  • Explore and Book:
    • Search for museums, historical places, activities, or itineraries using filters like budget, category, or tag.
    • Book flights, hotels, and transportation through integrated third-party services.
    • Book activities, itineraries, or events and receive payment receipts via email.
    • Cancel bookings at least 48 hours before the start date and receive refunds in your wallet.
  • Feedback and Ratings:
    • Rate and comment on itineraries, tour guides, and events you attended.
  • Notifications:
    • Enable notifications for booking openings or reminders for upcoming events via app and email.
  • Loyalty and Rewards:
    • Earn loyalty points for payments, redeem them for wallet cash, and receive promo codes on your birthday.
  • Shopping:
    • Add items to your wishlist or cart, manage orders, and choose payment methods like Stripe, wallet, or COD.

2. Tour Guide

Tour guides can manage itineraries, view tourists, and monitor performance:

  • Create and Manage Profile:
    • Add details such as mobile number, years of experience, and certifications.
  • Itinerary Management:
    • Create, update, delete, or activate/deactivate itineraries with detailed information like activities, timeline, accessibility, and price.
  • View Reports:
    • Track the number of tourists attending your itineraries and revenue from bookings.
  • Notifications:
    • Get notified when itineraries are flagged by admins.

3. Advertiser

Advertisers can promote activities and events:

  • Create and Manage Profile:
    • Add company details, website links, and contact information.
  • Activity Management:
    • List activities with details like location, date, time, pricing, tags, and availability.
  • Performance Insights:
    • View reports on tourist engagement and revenue.

4. Seller

Sellers can manage the in-app gift shop:

  • Create and Manage Profile:
    • Add shop details such as name and description.
  • Product Management:
    • Add, edit, or archive products with images, pricing, and stock details.
  • Sales Insights:
    • Track sales performance and receive low-stock notifications.

5. Admin

Admins oversee platform operations and moderation:

  • User Management:
    • Approve or reject registrations for Tour Guides, Advertisers, and Sellers.
    • Add Tourism Governors and other admins to the system.
  • Platform Moderation:
    • Flag inappropriate events or itineraries and manage complaints.
  • Analytics:
    • View sales and user engagement reports.
  • Create Tags and Categories:
    • Manage activity categories and preference tags.

6. Tourism Governor

Tourism Governors focus on managing historical sites and attractions:

  • Add and Manage Places:
    • Create or update museums and historical places with details like descriptions, pictures, and ticket pricing.
  • Tag Management:
    • Add tags to categorize historical locations.

General Tips for All Users

  • Stay Updated: Use notifications to manage bookings and reminders efficiently.
  • Utilize Search and Filters: Find activities, itineraries, or products tailored to your preferences.
  • Access Support: Contact customer service via the app for any assistance.


We welcome contributions to enhance this project! Here’s how you can help:

  1. Report Issues

    • Found a bug? Report it here.
  2. Submit Code

    • Fork this repository and create a branch for your feature or fix:
      git checkout -b feature-name
    • Push your changes:
      git push origin feature-name
    • Open a pull request with a detailed description of your changes.
  3. Follow Guidelines

    • Ensure all code is tested before submitting.
    • Write clear comments and adhere to the project’s style guide.

Code of Conduct

We are committed to creating a respectful and inclusive community. By contributing, you agree to abide by our Code of Conduct.


We extend our gratitude to the following resources and contributors:

  1. Educational Platforms

    • Net Ninja for tutorials on JavaScript, Node.js, and API development.
    • Udemy and the Dr. Angela Yu Course for foundational knowledge in web development.
  2. Online Resources

  3. Technologies and Tools


This project is licensed under multiple licenses to cover various technologies:

  1. MIT License - For general usage and contributions.
  2. Apache 2.0 License - Required for any integration with services like Stripe.
  3. Server Side Public License (SSPL) - For MongoDB usage.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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