kittyverse library - helper classes for cattributes, trait types, traits, genes, genomes and more for cryptokitties and copycats
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Use the Traits
helper class to lookup trait types (e.g. fur, pattern, eye color, eye shape, base color, etc.) and traits (e.g. savannah, selkirk, chantilly, etc.):
t = Traits[ 'FU00' ]
p t.class #=> Trait
p #=> "Savannah"
p #=> "Fur"
p t.code #=> "FU00"
p t.kai #=> "1"
# -or-
t = Trait.find_by_code( 'FU00' )
t = Trait.find_by( code: 'FU00' )
t = Traits[ 'savannah' ]
t = Traits[ 'Savannah' ]
t = Trait.find_by_name( 'Savannah' )
t = Trait.find_by( name: 'Savannah' )
t = Traits[ :body ][ '1' ]
t = Traits[ :body ][ '00' ]
t = Traits[ :body ][ 0 ]
t = Traits[ 'FU' ][ '00' ]
t = Traits[ 'FU' ][0]
t = Traits[ :FU ][0]
t = Traits[ :FU00 ]
t = Traits[ 'Fur' ][0]
# ...
Note, the totesbasic
pattern cattribute has three traits, that is, totesbasic 1
with the code PA14
and totesbasic 2
with PA15
and totesbasic 3
with PA23
t = Traits[ 'PA14' ]
p t.class #=> Trait
p #=> "Totesbasic 1"
p #=> "Pattern"
p t.code #=> "PA14"
p t.kai #=> "f"
# -or-
t = Trait.find_by_code( 'PA14' )
t = Trait.find_by( code: 'PA14' )
t = Traits[ 'totesbasic 1' ]
t = Traits[ 'Totesbasic 1' ]
t = Trait.find_by_name( 'Totesbasic 1' )
t = Trait.find_by( name: 'Totesbasic 1' )
t = Traits[ :body ][ 'f' ]
t = Traits[ :body ][ '14' ]
t = Traits[ :body ][ 14 ]
# ...
For trait types (e.g. fur, pattern, eye color, eye shape, base color, etc.) use:
tt = Traits[ :body ]
p tt.class #=> TraitType
p #=> "Fur"
p tt.code #=> "FU"
p tt.genes #=> "0-3"
# -or-
tt = TraitType.find_by_key( :body )
tt = TraitType.find_by( key: 'body' )
tt = Traits[ 'Fur' ]
tt = TraitType.find_by_name( 'Fur' )
tt = TraitType.find_by( name: 'Fur' )
tt = Traits[ 'FU' ]
tt = Traits[ :FU ]
tt = TraitType.find_by_code( 'FU' )
tt = TraitType.find_by( code: 'FU' )
# ...
Use the Cattribute
helper class to lookup cattributes incl. purrstige cattributes with timed trait recipes / forumlas:
c = Cattribute[ 'savannah' ]
p c.class #=> Cattribute
p #=> "Savannah"
p #=> "Fur"
p c.traits.size #=> 1
p c.traits #=> ["Savannah"]
p c.traits[0].code #=> "FU00"
# ...
c = Cattribute[ 'totesbasic' ]
p c.class #=> Cattribute
p #=> "Totesbasic"
p #=> "Pattern"
p c.traits.size #=> 3
p c.traits #=> ["Totesbasic 1", "Totesbasic 2", "Totesbasic 3"]
p c.traits[0].code #=> "PA14"
p c.traits[1].code #=> "PA15"
p c.traits[2].code #=> "PA23"
# ...
c = Cattribute[ 'bionic' ]
p c.class #=> Cattribute
p #=> "Bionic"
p #=> "Purrstige"
p c.traits.size #=> 0
p c.traits #=> []
p c.recipe #=> {time: {start: "2019-05-01", end: "2019-08-31"},
# traits: ["Ragdoll",
# "WE05",
# ["Totesbasic 1", "Totesbasic 2", "Totesbasic 3"],
# "PU30"]}
# ...
Use the Fancy
helper class to lookup fancy or exclusive or special edition cats incl. timed trait recipes / forumlas, counts, limits, ids and more:
f = Fancy[ :genesis ]
p f.class #=> Fancy
p #=> "Genesis"
p f.key #=> :genesis
p f.exlusive? #=> true
p f.ids.size #=> 1
p f.ids #=> [1]
# -or-
f = Fancy.find_by_key( :genesis )
f = Fancy.find_by( key: 'genesis' )
f = Fancy[ 'Genesis' ]
f = Fancy.find_by_name( 'Genesis' )
f = Fancy.find_by( name: 'Genesis' )
# ...
f = Fancy[ :bugcat ]
p f.class #=> Fancy
p #=> "Bug Cat"
p f.key #=> :bugcat
p f.exlusive? #=> true
p f.ids.size #=> 3
p f.ids #=> [101,102,103]
# -or-
f = Fancy[ 'Bug Cat' ]
f = Fancy[ 'BugCat' ]
f = Fancy[ 'bugcat' ]
f = Fancy.find_by_name( 'Bug Cat' )
f = Fancy.find_by( name: 'Bug Cat' )
# ...
Fancy Cat Types
p Fancy.size #=> 83
p Fancy.exclusives.size #=> 22
p Fancy.special_editions.size #=> 5
p Fancy.fancies.size #=> 56
Loop over all fancies:
Fancy.each do |fancy|
# ...
Use the Genome
helper class to
decipher the genes and lookup traits, mewtation tiers / levels,
recessive / hidden genes and more.
Let's build a gene reader. Pass in the "magic" 256-bit integer number for kitty #1001 from the blockchain and get all 48 genes deciphered in 12x4 slices / blocks:
# kitty 1001
genome = 512955438081049600613224346938352058409509756310147795204209859701881294 )
#=> "aaaa 7885 22f2 agff 1661 7755 e979 2441 6667 7664 a9aa cfff"
#=> "09-09-09-09 06-07-07-04 01-01-14-01 09-15-14-14 00-05-05-00 06-06-04-04
# 13-08-06-08 01-03-03-00 05-05-05-06 06-05-05-03 09-08-09-09 11-14-14-14"
#=> "01001-01001-01001-01001 00110-00111-00111-00100 00001-00001-01110-00001
# 01001-01111-01110-01110 00000-00101-00101-00000 00110-00110-00100-00100
# 01101-01000-00110-01000 00001-00011-00011-00000 00101-00101-00101-00110
# 00110-00101-00101-00011 01001-01000-01001-01001 01011-01110-01110-01110"
genome.each_with_index do |slice,i|
offset = i*4
puts "#{} (#{slice.type.code}) - Genes #{slice.type.genes}:"
puts "#{'%2d' % (0+offset)} | #{ || '∅'} (#{slice.d.code})"
puts "#{'%2d' % (1+offset)} | #{ || '∅'} (#{slice.r1.code})"
puts "#{'%2d' % (2+offset)} | #{ || '∅'} (#{slice.r2.code})"
puts "#{'%2d' % (3+offset)} | #{ || '∅'} (#{slice.r3.code})"
resulting in:
Fur (FU) - Genes 0-3:
0 | Ragamuffin (FU14)
1 | Ragamuffin (FU14)
2 | Ragamuffin (FU14)
3 | Himalayan (FU11)
Pattern (PA) - Genes 4-7:
4 | Luckystripe (PA09)
5 | Luckystripe (PA09)
6 | Calicool (PA08)
7 | Luckystripe (PA09)
Eye Color (EC) - Genes 8-11:
8 | Mintgreen (EC03)
9 | Sizzurp (EC05)
10 | Sizzurp (EC05)
11 | Chestnut (EC06)
Eye Shape (ES) - Genes 12-15:
12 | Crazy (ES06)
13 | Simple (ES05)
14 | Simple (ES05)
15 | Simple (ES05)
Base Color (BC) - Genes 16-19:
16 | Shadowgrey (BC00)
17 | Orangesoda (BC03)
18 | Orangesoda (BC03)
19 | Salmon (BC01)
Highlight Color (HC) - Genes 20-23:
20 | Swampgreen (HC08)
21 | Royalpurple (HC06)
22 | Swampgreen (HC08)
23 | Lemonade (HC13)
Accent Color (AC) - Genes 24-27:
24 | Granitegrey (AC04)
25 | Granitegrey (AC04)
26 | Kittencream (AC06)
27 | Kittencream (AC06)
Wild Element (WE) - Genes 28-31:
28 | ∅ (WE00)
29 | ∅ (WE05)
30 | ∅ (WE05)
31 | ∅ (WE00)
Mouth (MO) - Genes 32-35:
32 | Happygokitty (MO14)
33 | Happygokitty (MO14)
34 | Soserious (MO15)
35 | Pouty (MO09)
Environment (EN) - Genes 36-39:
36 | ∅ (EN01)
37 | ∅ (EN14)
38 | ∅ (EN01)
39 | ∅ (EN01)
Secret Y Gene (SE) - Genes 40-43:
40 | ∅ (SE04)
41 | ∅ (SE07)
42 | ∅ (SE07)
43 | ∅ (SE06)
Purrstige (PU) - Genes 44-47:
44 | ∅ (PU09)
45 | ∅ (PU09)
46 | ∅ (PU09)
47 | ∅ (PU09)
Tip: See the chapter 2 in the "Programming Crypto Collectibles Step-by-Step Book / Guide. Let's start with CryptoKitties & Copycats. Inside Unique Bits & Bytes on the Blockchain..." for how to create your own gene reader from scratch.
More ways to slice and dice the genome / genes:
genome[0].class #=> Trait
genome[0].name #=> "Ragamuffin"
genome[0].code #=> "FU14"
genome[5].class #=> Trait
genome[5].name #=> "Luckystripe"
genome[5].code #=> "PA09"
genome[40].class #=> Trait
genome[40].name #=> nil
genome[40].code #=> "SE04"
genome.body.class #=> Gene::Slice #=> "Fur"
genome.body.type.code #=> "FU"
# -or-
genome[:body].class #=> Gene::Slice
genome[:body] #=> "Fur"
genome[:body].type.code #=> "FU"
# -or-
genome.fu.class #=> Gene::Slice #=> "Fur"
genome.fu.type.code #=> "FU"
# -or-
genome[:FU].class #=> Gene::Slice
genome[:FU] #=> "Fur"
genome[:FU].type.code #=> "FU"
genome.body.d.class #=> Trait #=> "Ragamuffin"
genome.body.d.code #=> "FU14"
# -or-
genome[:body].d.class #=> Trait
genome[:body] #=> "Ragamuffin"
genome[:body].d.code #=> "FU14"
# -or-
genome.body[0].class #=> Trait
genome.body[0].name #=> "Ragamuffin"
genome.body[0].code #=> "FU14"
# -or-
genome[:body][0].class #=> Trait
genome[:body][0].name #=> "Ragamuffin"
genome[:body][0].code #=> "FU14"
# -or-
genome.fu.d.class #=> Trait #=> "Ragamuffin"
genome.fu.d.code #=> "FU14"
# -or-
genome.fu[0].class #=> Trait
genome.fu[0].name #=> "Ragamuffin"
genome.fu[0].code #=> "FU14"
genome.fu.r1.class #=> Trait #=> "Ragamuffin"
genome.fu.r1.code #=> "FU14"
# -or-
genome.body[1].class #=> Trait
genome.body[1].name #=> "Ragamuffin"
genome.body[1].code #=> "FU14"
and so on and so forth.
Auto-generated CryptoKitties reference pages / cheat sheets include:
- CryptoKitties Cattributes Rarity / Popularity Statistics
- CryptoKitties Genome / Genes Cheat Sheet - Fur (FU) • Pattern (PA) • Eye Color (EC) • Eye Shape (ES) • Base Color (BC) • Highlight Color (HC) • Accent Color (AC) • Wild Element (WE) • Mouth (MO) • Environment (EN) • Secret Y Gene (SE) • Purrstige (PU)
- CryptoKitties Traits Cheat Sheet (with Codes, Mewtation Levels / Tiers, Search Links and More)
- CryptoKitties Updates - Fancy / Exclusive / Special Edition Cats - Timeline
- CryptoKitties Updates - Purrstige Trait Recipes / Formulas - Timeline
- and others
See the copycats command line tool (and core library) - crypto cats / kitties collectibles unchained - buy! sell! hodl! sire! - play for free - runs off the blockchain - no ether / gas required
- Programming Crypto Collectibles Step-by-Step Book / Guide - Let's start with CryptoKitties & Copycats. Inside Unique Bits & Bytes on the Blockchain...
- Ruby Quiz - Challenge #8 - Base32 Alphabet - Convert the Super "Sekretoooo" 256-Bit CryptoKitties Genome to Kai Notation - Annipurrsary!
The kittyverse
scripts are dedicated to the public domain.
Use it as you please with no restrictions whatsoever.
Post them on the cryptokitties reddit. Thanks.