This swift macOS app implements the Pomodoro-Technique using a simple timer. It's my first project in swift so any tips to improve the code (which is loosley based on a tutorial by are welcome and appreciated!
- Implement Break with timer that is not saved and starts automatically after the end of the Pomodoro
- Keep track of how many pomodoros have run and suggest a longer break after n runs
- Implement the windows to view the history
- Implement calendar integration (additionally to adding the event to the history we also add a calendar event)
- Change volume of the Ding at the end (
- Different sound for pomodoro and break timer?
- Show a notification if the timer is over
- Can I show the preferences in the same window as the timer?
- Give each pomodoro a short title after the timer is over by prompting a small window (if the settings are like this )and save it in the history
- Add status/menu bar icon and timer