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Survival of the Best Fit is a web simulation of how blind usage of algorithms in hiring practices can reinforce workforce inequality. It aims to break down the barrier between internet users and the technologies behind building the internet (particularly AI and ML), by giving them an understanding of how decisions made by developers of recruitment applications directly impact the decisions produced by algorithms.
"Thus we shall never experience our relationship to the essence of technology so long as we merely conceive and push forward the technological, put up with it, or evade it." -Martin Heidegger
As young technology enthusiasts, we believe it is our duty to contribute to people's understanding of algorithms and their impact on society. After researching the topic, we found algorithmic hiring one problematic area due to secretive hiring practices and heavy automation. Our goal is to identify a way we can raise public awareness through research and user testing. After doing so, we came to the conclusion that a series of web based gamified simulations can give an introduction to thousands of visitors with any level of technical knowledge to the problems of algorithms in hiring.
We would also like to share the survey of the connection of society and algorithms.
- Relevant organizations to follow for future articles.
- Projects that inspired us to use interactive games to raise awareness.
- Our references. Inspiring research papers that fundamentally shaped our views.
Visit our wiki page for an in-depth explanation and to follow the development of the project.
- Alia ElKattan - [email protected]
- Miha Klasinc - [email protected]
- Gabor Csapo - [email protected]
- Jihyun Kim - [email protected]
If you'd like to join the team or can contribute with ideas/feedback, please feel free to shoot any of us an email.
- Politics of Code class for bringing us together
- Moz://a foundation for its inspiring mission