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Frame Merger

Made with <3 by Amazing Cow.


frame-merger - Image merging tool.

frame-merger is a small tool to merge one image (frame) into several other images located (source) in a directory.

The frame image must be a PNG file - (Since the frame "must" support transparency) but the source images can be any image format supported by pygame.

The output of frame-merger is the set of merged images in the specified output directory.
The output format is PNG (default) or JPG (with --jpg flag).

As usual, you are very welcomed to share and hack it.


frame-merger [-hv]
frame-merger -f <frame-path> -i <images-path> -o <output-path> --jpg --no-colors
frame-merger --gui [-f <frame-path> -i <images-path> -o <output-path> --jpg]

 *-h --help    : Show this screen.
 *-v --version : Show app version and copyright.

  -f --frame       <frame-path>  : Path for the frame image.
  -i --images-dir  <images-path> : Path for dir of images that will be merged.
  -o --output-path <output-path> : Path of the output dir.

     --gui       : Run in graphical mode. (If any other flags are given it will
                   loaded in graphical mode too).

     --jpg       : Force all output images to be jpg.
     --no-colors : Disable the colored output.

  Options marked with * are exclusive, i.e. the frame-merger will run that
  and exit successfully after the operation.

  In command line mode the [-f -i -o] flags are required.

  In GUI mode the [--no-colors] flag are ignored.


  1. frame-merger doesn't do any attempt to perform validation checks in the size of Frame Image and the Images that will be merged.
    So IS NOT REQUIRED that them have the same size, but IF THE SIZE DO NOT MATCH the merge will be USELESS since will be placed into a wrong place.

  2. Sometimes an image cannot be loaded. This is a bug with pygame we think, because running application again it will load the faulty image correctly.
    Currently we don't know how to solve this.
    Sorry :(


Use the Makefile.

    make install

Or to uninstall

    make uninstall


This project uses / depends on:

  • Amazing Cow's cowtermcolor package to coloring the terminal.

  • pygame as a backend to image manipulations.

  • PyQt4 for the GUI system.

Environment and Files:

frame-merger do not create / need any other files or environment vars.


This software is released under GPLv3.


Check the TODO file for general things.

This projects uses the COWTODO tags.
So install cowtodo and run:

$ cd path/for/the/project
$ cowtodo 

That's gonna give you all things to do :D.


We strive to make all our code the most bug-free as possible - But we know that few of them can pass without we notice ;).

Please if you find any bug report to [email protected] with the name of this project and/or create an issue here in Github.

Source Files:

  • AUTHORS.txt
  • COPYING.txt
  • Makefile
  • TODO.txt


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