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A website to create Dungeons & Dragons characters and campaigns

gamemasterstudio_home page

GameMasterStudio, a fullstack website inspired partially by and DnD Beyond, is an online Dungeons & Dragons character & campaign creator. Users who have created campaigns can invite other users to those campaigns, who can add the characters they've created.

Technologies Used

  • Backend: Python, Flask, WTForms, boto3/botocore (for uploading to AWS/S3)
  • Frontend: JavaScript, React/Redux, AJAX, React-Drag-And-Drop(for image upload functionality), react-quilljs (for creating and editing articles)
  • Database: PostgresSQL
  • Image hosting: AWS/S3


  • User login login_window

  • User Home user_home

  • Character Sheet character_sheet

  • Campaign Page campaign_page

  • Article Page article_page

Install Instructions

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Install dependencies for backend
    • pipenv install
  3. Install dependencies for frontend
    • cd react-app
    • npm install
  4. Create PostgreSQL user
    • CREATE USER gms_user WITH CREATEDB PASSWORD '<password>'
  5. Create PostgreSQL database
    • `CREATE DATABASE gms_db WITH OWNER gms_user
  6. Create a .env file in the root directory based on the .env.example file
  7. In .env file:
  8. Flask Migrate and Seed your database in root directory
    • pipenv shell
    • flask db upgrade
    • flask seed all
  9. Start backend server in root directory
    • flask run
  10. Start frontend server in react-app directory
    • npm start
  11. In your browser go to localhost:3000
  12. You may use the Demo user by clicking on the Login button or create a new user by clicking on the Sign Up button. Then you can create a new character or campaign or invite other users to a campaign.

Additional Features:

  • Ability to add sections/articles to campaigns, for users in a campaign to keep track of their sessions
  • Search campaigns for articles within that campaign


A website to create Dungeons & Dragons characters and campaigns






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