Models for approximation of indoor parameters (velocity and temperatures) using the livestock template method in Grasshopper. Results are generated based on data from a multivariate parametric study of natural ventilation using computational fluid dynamics.
Install the livestock template method from github.
Download the Rooster files here.
Take the files from the grasshopper objs folder and place in the UserObjects folder. (%appdata%\Roaming\Grasshopper\UserObjects)
Overwrite the file in C:\livestock3d with the updated file from the
Overwrite the file in %AppData%\Roaming\McNeel\Rhinoceros\5.0\scripts\livestock3d with the updated file from the
Move the data files (Livestock_Data.csv & Livestock_V_Data.csv) to the data folder C:\livestock3d\data.
On the grasshopper canvas, insert the path to the python.exe into the livestock component "Python Executor".
You are now ready to use Rooster!