A bootstrap api project for Symfony 7.0 with PHP 8.3, based on my fork of symfony-docker (using Frankenphp) from Kévin Dunglas.
- PHP 8.3 & Symfony 7.0
- Confirmation email system
- The security system is already configured
- User and role entities are ready
- A Voter system is already in place
- Tests are present and ready to be run
- The CI is already configured and working
GET /api/ping
POST /api/register (payload: email, username, plainPassword)
GET /api/register/confirm/{token}
GET /api/auth_ping (protected route)
GET /api/users (protected route)
GET /api/users/{id} (protected route)
PATCH /api/users/{id} (protected route, payload: email, username, plainPassword)
DELETE /api/users/{id} (protected route)
- If not already done, install Docker Compose (v2.10+)
- Run
docker compose build --no-cache
to build fresh images - Run
docker compose up --pull always -d --wait
to start the project - Open
in your favorite web browser and accept the auto-generated TLS certificate - Run
docker compose down --remove-orphans
to stop the Docker containers.
A Taskfile
is included to help you with common tasks. Run task
to see the available commands.
Task commands:
* bash: Open a bash session (aliases: b)
* build-dev: Build the development environment (aliases: bd)
* composer-install: Install the composer dependencies (aliases: c)
* composer-require: Require a composer package (aliases: cr)
* create-db: Create the database (aliases: cdb)
* create-db-test: Create the test database (aliases: cdbt)
* drop-db: Drop the database (aliases: ddb)
* drop-db-test: Drop the test database (aliases: ddbt)
* ecs: Run the code style fixer (aliases: e)
* migrate: Run the migrations (aliases: m)
* migrate-test: Run the migrations for the test environment (aliases: mt)
* prune: Remove all stopped containers (aliases: p)
* stan: Run the static analysis (aliases: st)
* stop: Stop the containers (aliases: s)
* tests: Run the tests (aliases: t)
* up: Start the containers (aliases: u)
* up-db: Start the database container (aliases: udb)
Symfony Api Bootstrap is available under the MIT License.
Created by Cedric Anthony, based on my fork of symfony-docker from Kévin Dunglas.