AIS is a wifi enabled, smart plant watering system that uses ESP and some other sensors to calculate the moisture value and smartly water your plants without any manual assistance.
- Provides a web portal to manage things.
- Visualizes soil moisture data.
- Automatic Mode
- Automatically water the plant when moisture level goes below a certain threshold.
- Manual Mode
- A simple switch to start and stop pump from anywhere in the world.
- Provides weather data based on user's current location.
- REST API created using Flask(Python) and Adafruit.
- Web Portal frontend using ReactJS.
You can check the demo here.
git clone
and install dependencies via
This downloads all the node modules required for the project.
This opens up the project on the development server.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits.
And that's it! It will work :)