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Reactive version of Ver-ID Core for Android


  1. Register your app. You will need your app's package name.

  2. Registering your app will generate an evaluation licence for your app. The licence is valid for 30 days. If you need a production licence please contact Applied Recognition.

  3. When you finish the registration you'll receive a file called Ver-ID identity.p12 and a password. Copy the password to a secure location.

  4. Copy the Ver-ID identity.p12 into your app's assets folder. A common location is your_app_module/src/main/assets.

  5. Ver-ID will need the password you received at registration. Add the password in your app's AndroidManifest.xml:

                android:value="your password goes here" />
  6. Add the Applied Recognition repository to the repositories in your app module's file:

    repositories {
      maven {
        url ''
        name 'Ver-ID'
  7. Add the Rx-Ver-ID dependency in your app module's file:

    dependencies {
      implementation 'com.appliedrec.verid:rx:[1.10,3.0['


Create Ver-ID instance with a specifed Ver-ID identity

try {
    // Get your p12 file from the app's assets folder
    try (InputStream inputStream = getAssets().open("My Ver-ID identity.p12")) {
        // Create VerIDIdentity with your Ver-ID password
        VerIDIdentity identity = new VerIDIdentity(inputStream, "my password");
        // Create RxVerID instance with your identity
        RxVerID rxVerID = new RxVerID.Builder(this).setVerIDIdentity(identity).build();
        // Load Ver-ID
        rxVerID.getVerID().subscribe(verid -> {
            // We have an instance of Ver-ID that can be used to run sessions, etc.
        }, error -> {
            // Ver-ID creation failed
} catch (Exception e) {

Detect a face in an image and crop the image to the bounds of the face

// Set this to an URI of an image
Uri imageUri;

// Image view to show the cropped image
ImageView imageView = findViewById(;

// Create an instance of RxVerID
RxVerID rxVerID = new RxVerID.Builder(context).build();

rxVerID.detectFacesInImage(imageUri, 1) // Detect up to 1 face in the image URI
    .firstOrError() // Take the first detected face or throw and error if no face detected
    .flatMap(face -> rxVerID.cropImageToFace(imageUri, face)) // Crop the image to the face
    .compose(SchedulersTransformer.defaultInstance()) // Observe on main thread
        imageView::setImageBitmap, // Show the cropped bitmap in the image view
        error -> Toast.makeText(context, error.getLocalizedMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()

Detect a face in an image and assign it to a user

// Set this to an URI of an image
Uri imageUri;

// Identifier for the user to whom the face will be assigned
String userId = "someUserId";

// Create an instance of RxVerID
RxVerID rxVerID = new RxVerID.Builder(context).build();

rxVerID.detectRecognizableFacesInImage(imageUri, 1) // Detect up to 1 face in the image URI
    .firstOrError() // Take the first detected face or throw and error if no face detected
    .flatMapCompletable(face -> rxVerID.assignFaceToUser(face, userId)) // Assign the detected face to user
    .compose(SchedulersTransformer.defaultInstance()) // Observe on main thread
        () -> Toast.makeText(context, "Face assigned to user "+userId, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(),
        error -> Toast.makeText(context, error.getLocalizedMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()

Authenticate user in an image

// Set this to an URI of an image
Uri imageUri;

// Identifier for the user who should be authenticated
String userId = "someUserId";

// Create an instance of RxVerID
RxVerID rxVerID = new RxVerID.Builder(context).build();

rxVerID.authenticateUserInImage(userId, imageUri) // Authenticate user in the image
    .compose(SchedulersTransformer.defaultInstance()) // Observe on main thread
        authenticated -> {
          String message;
          if (authenticated) {
            message = "User "+userId+" authenticated";
          } else {
            message = "Failed to authenticate user "+userId;
          Toast.makeText(context, message, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
        error -> Toast.makeText(context, error.getLocalizedMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()

Identify users in image

// Set this to an URI of an image
Uri imageUri;

// Create an instance of RxVerID
RxVerID rxVerID = new RxVerID.Builder(context).build();

rxVerID.identifyUsersInImage(imageUri) // Identify users
    .toList() // Convert the observable to a list
    .compose(SchedulersTransformer.defaultInstance()) // Observe on main thread
      users -> {
        if (users.isEmpty()) {
          Toast.makeText(context, "No users identified in the image", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
        ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<>();
        Iterator<Pair<String,Float>> iterator = users.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        Toast.makeText(context, "Identified users: "+TextUtils.join(", ", names), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
      error -> Toast.makeText(context, error.getLocalizedMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()


Reactive version of Ver-ID Core for Android






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