The project contains a sample application that uses Microblink's BlinkID SDK to scan an ID card. The app uses Ver-ID SDK to detect a face on the captured ID card and compare it to a live selfie taken with the iOS device's camera.
Download and install CocoaPods.
Clone this project:
git clone
In Terminal navigate to the project's root folder (the one that contains Podfile) and install the project's dependencies:
pod install
Open the generated ID Capture.xcworkspace in Xcode.
Open the Signing & Capabilities tab and change Team to your account
Click on the Pods project, click on Ver-ID-VerIDUIResources
Navigate to Signing & Capabilities and change Team to your account
Add Ver-ID:
pod 'Ver-ID', '~> 2.10'
into your Podfile and run:
pod install
Register your app. You will need your app's bundle identifier.
Registering your app will generate an evaluation licence for your app. The licence is valid for 30 days. If you need a production licence please contact Applied Recognition.
When you finish the registration you'll receive a file called Ver-ID identity.p12 and a password. Copy the password to a secure location and add the Ver-ID identity.p12 file in your app:
- Open your project in Xcode.
- From the top menu select File/Add files to “[your project name]”... or press ⌥⌘A and browse to select the downloaded Ver-ID identity.p12 file.
- Reveal the options by clicking the Options button on the bottom left of the dialog.
- Tick Copy items if needed under Destination.
- Under Added to targets select your app target.
Ver-ID will need the password you received at registration.
You can either specify the password when you create an instance of
:let veridFactory = VerIDFactory(veridPassword: "your password goes here")
Or you can add the password in your app's Info.plist:
<key>com.appliedrec.verid.password</key> <string>your password goes here</string>
Open your Xcode project and select the *.xcodeproj file in the Project navigator.
Select your target and click on the General tab.
Under Deployment Info check that Deployment Target is set to 15.0 or higher. If you need to target older iOS versions please contact us.
Ensure your app sets the NSCameraUsageDescription key in its Info.plist file.
Apply for an API key on the Microblink website.
Open your workspace in Xcode and click on your app project
Navigate to the Package Dependencies tab and under Packages click the + button
Enter in the search bar of the dialog that just opened
Select blinkid-ios in the menu and under Dependency Rule select Up to Next Major Version and enter 6.1.2
Select your project in the Add to Project dropdown menu
Press the Add Package button
Before calling the BlinkID API set your licence key:
import BlinkID let licenceKey = "keyObtainedInStep1" MBMicroblinkSDK.shared().setLicenseKey(key) { error in // TODO: Handle error }
Detailed instructions are available on the BlinkID Github page
import UIKit
import BlinkID
class MyViewController: UIViewController, MBBlinkIdOverlayViewControllerDelegate {
private var blinkIdRecognizer: MBBlinkIdMultiSideRecognizer?
func captureIdCard() {
let recognizer = MBBlinkIdMultiSideRecognizer()
recognizer.returnFullDocumentImage = true
self.blinkIdRecognizer = recognizer
let settings = MBBlinkIdOverlaySettings()
let recognizerCollection = MBRecognizerCollection(recognizers: [recognizer])
let blinkIdOverlayViewController = MBBlinkIdOverlayViewController(
settings: settings,
recognizerCollection: recognizerCollection,
delegate: self)
guard let recognizerRunnerViewController = MBViewControllerFactory
.recognizerRunnerViewController(withOverlayViewController: blinkIdOverlayViewController) else {
// MARK: - MBBlinkIdOverlayViewControllerDelegate
func blinkIdOverlayViewControllerDidFinishScanning(_ blinkIdOverlayViewController: MBBlinkIdOverlayViewController, state: MBRecognizerResultState) {
if state == .valid {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
blinkIdOverlayViewController.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
guard let result = self.blinkIdRecognizer?.result else {
guard let documentImage: UIImage = result.fullDocumentBackImage?.image else {
// You can pass documentImage to Ver-ID face detection
func blinkIdOverlayViewControllerDidTapClose(_ blinkIdOverlayViewController: MBBlinkIdOverlayViewController) {
blinkIdOverlayViewController.dismiss(animated: true)
import UIKit
import VerIDCore
import VerIDUI
class MyViewController: UIViewController, VerIDSessionDelegate {
var verID: VerID?
lazy var faceDetectionRecognitionWithAuthenticityCheck: VerIDFaceDetectionRecognitionFactory? = {
let detrecFactory = VerIDFaceDetectionRecognitionFactory(apiSecret: nil)
guard let classifierPath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "license01-20210820ay-xiypjic%2200-q08", ofType: "nv") else {
return nil
let classifier = Classifier(name: "licence", filename: classifierPath)
detrecFactory.additionalFaceClassifiers = [classifier]
return detrecFactory
func createVerID() {
if verID != nil {
// Return if Ver-ID is already loaded
let veridFactory = VerIDFactory()
// To enable authenticity check on supported Canadian ID documents include
// bundle the ID Capture/license01-20210820ay-xiypjic%2200-q08.nv file
// with your app
if let detRecFactory = self.faceDetectionRecognitionWithAuthenticityCheck {
veridFactory.faceDetectionFactory = detRecFactory
veridFactory.faceRecognitionFactory = detRecFactory
// Skip the above 4 lines to disable authenticity check
veridFactory.delegate = self
veridFactory.createVerID { result in
switch result {
case .success(let verID):
self.verID = verID
// TODO: This is a good place to enable a button that launches a face capture session
case .failure(let error):
// TODO: Handle error
func startFaceCapture() {
guard let verID = self.verID else {
// TODO: Handle this
let settings = LivenessDetectionSessionSettings()
let session = VerIDSession(environment: verID, settings: settings)
session.delegate = self
// MARK: - VerIDSessionDelegate
func didFinishSession(_ session: VerIDSession, withResult result: VerIDSessionResult) {
if let error = result.error {
// TODO: Handle session failure
guard let face = result.faces(withBearing: .straight).first else {
// You can use face for comparison
Building on example 1 and 2, you can use the results of the ID capture and liveness detection sessions and compare their faces.
class FaceUtilities {
let verID: VerID
// This must be the same name you used in the Classifier constructor
// (see faceDetectionRecognitionWithAuthenticityCheck in example 2 above)
private let authenticityClassifierName = "licence"
init(verID: VerID) {
self.verID = verID
// Compare live face with a face detected in an ID card image
func compareFaceToIDCard(face: RecognizableFace, idCardImage: UIImage) throws -> Float {
// Get an instance of face detection utilities, this will always be available unless
// you supplied your own implementation of face recognition to VerIDFactory
guard let faceDetectionUtilities = verID.utilities?.faceDetection else {
throw FaceUtilitiesError.faceDetectionUtilitiesUnavailable
// Detect a face on the ID card
guard let idCardFace: RecognizableFace = try faceDetectionUtilities.detectRecognizableFacesInImage(idCardImage, 1).first else {
throw FaceUtilitiesError.faceNotFound
// Compare faces
return try verID.faceRecognition.compareSubjectFaces([face], toFaces: [idCardFace])
// Check document authenticity (works with select Canadian documents)
func checkDocumentAuthenticity(idCardImage: UIImage) throws -> Float {
guard let faceDetection = verID.faceDetection as? VerIDFaceDetection else {
throw FaceUtilitiesError.unsupportedFaceDetectionImplementation
guard let face: Face = try faceDetection.detectFacesInImage(idCardImage, limit: 1, options: 0).first else {
throw FaceUtilitiesError.faceNotFound
return try faceDetection..extractAttributeFromFace(face, image: idCardImage, using: authenticityClassifierName)
enum FaceUtilitiesError: Error, Int {
case faceDetectionUtilitiesUnavailable
case faceNotFound
case unsupportedFaceDetectionImplementation