Framework that provides a client identity to Ver-ID SDK 1.11.0 and newer
Download CocoaPods
Add the Ver-ID-SDK-Identity pod to your Podfile:
pod 'Ver-ID-SDK-Identity', '~> 3.0'
In Terminal enter
pod install
and press enter.
- Register your app. You will need your app's bundle identifier.
- Registering your app will generate an evaluation licence for your app. The licence is valid for 30 days. If you need a production licence please contact Applied Recognition.
- When you finish the registration you'll receive a file called Ver-ID identity.p12 and a password.
Copy the Ver-ID identity.p12 file in your Xcode project and include it in your app's target.
Place your password in your app's Info.plist:
<key>com.appliedrec.verid.password</key> <string>your password goes here</string>
Create an instance of VerIDIdentity:
import VerIDSDKIdentity do { let identity = try VerIDIdentity(url: nil, password: nil) } catch { }
Copy the Ver-ID identity.p12 file in your Xcode project and include it in your app's target.
Create an instance of VerIDIdentity:
import VerIDSDKIdentity do { let identity = try VerIDIdentity(password: "your password goes here") } catch { }
Upload the Ver-ID identity.p12 online or store it in your app.
Create an instance of VerIDIdentity referencing the URL of the Ver-ID identity.p12 file:
import VerIDSDKIdentity do { guard let url = URL(string: "") else { return } let identity = try VerIDIdentity(url: url, password: "your password goes here") } catch { }
Upload the Ver-ID identity.p12 online or store it in your app.
Place your password in your app's Info.plist:
<key>com.appliedrec.verid.password</key> <string>your password goes here</string>
Create an instance of VerIDIdentity referencing the URL of the Ver-ID identity.p12 file:
import VerIDSDKIdentity do { guard let url = URL(string: "") else { return } let identity = try VerIDIdentity(url: url) } catch { }
Create your own instance of SecIdentity.
Pass the identity to the VerIDIdentity initializer:
import Security import VerIDSDKIdentity lazy var secIdentity: SecIdentity = { // Construct your SecIdentity instance let identity: SecIdentity // Stub return identity }() do { let identity = try VerIDIdentity(identity: self.secIdentity) } catch { }
Create an instance of VerIDIdentity and pass it to VerIDFactory:
import VerIDSDKIdentity
import VerIDCore
do {
// See above
let identity = try VerIDIdentity(url: nil, password: nil)
// Construct VerIDFactory with your identity
let veridFactory = VerIDFactory(identity: identity)
// ... use veridFactory to create an instance of VerID
} catch {