Backorders are unavoidable, but by anticipating which things will be backordered, planning can be streamlined at several levels, preventing unexpected strain on production, logistics, and transportation. ERP systems generate a lot of data (mainly structured) and also contain a lot of historical data; if this data can be properly utilized, a predictive model to forecast backorders and plan accordingly can be constructed. Based on past data from inventories, supply chain, and sales, classify the products as going into backorder (Yes or No).
Creating conda environment
conda create -p venv python==3.7 -y
Activate conda environment
conda activate venv/
conda activate venv
Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
To add file to git
git add <filename>
git add .
Note: To ignore file or folder from git we can write the name of the file/folder in .gitignore folder
To check status
git status
To check all versions maintained by git
git log
To create version/commit all changes by git
git commit -m "message"
To send version/changes to github
git push origin main
To check remote url
git remote -v
To setup CI/CD pipeline in heroku we need 3 information
HEROKU_EMAIL = [email protected]
HEROKU_APP_NAME = customer-personality
docker build -t <image_name>:<tagname> .
Note: Image name for docker must be lowercase
To list docker image
docker images
Run docker image
docker run -p 5000:5000 -e PORT=5000 f8c749e73678
To check running container in docker
docker ps
To stop docker conatiner
docker stop <container_id>
To install ipykernel
install ipykernel
-e .
means install all packages in current directory is required whenever you want to install -e .