nodejs code to control dot2 software use Akai APCmini midi controller, and akai apc mini mk2
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Download my code.
How to use
run dot2 software
turn on webremote (password remote)
set node.exe as default tool to open .js files
double click on icon dot2apcmini.js to start
if u have akai apc mini mk2
double click on icon dot2apcminimk2.js
Edit file to config
wing = 1; //set wing 1 or 2
page = 1; //set page select mode - 0-off, 1-only exec buttons(5), 2-exec buttons and faders together(5)
midi_in = 'APC MINI'; //set correct midi in device name
midi_out = 'APC MINI'; //set correct midi out device name
for mk2 u can select 2 color modes, and led brightness
wing = 0; //select wing 1 or 2, or code fader 0
pageselect = 1; //set page select mode - 0 - off, 1 - only exec buttons, 2 - exec buttons and faders together
midi_in = 'APC mini mk2'; //set correct midi in device name
midi_out = 'APC mini mk2'; //set correct midi out device name
brightness = 6; //led brightness 0-6
darkmode = 0; //new color mode 1 - ON , 0 - OFF
colorpage = 5; //select page to display colors palete (1- 5), 0 = off
cuepage = 0; //select page to use cue switch mode 1-5 = on , 0 = off
autocolor = 1; //Get color from Executor name (use MA Colors names like Red, Green, Orange, Fern Green ...
If u have set - pageselect = 1;
Turn Off Autofix to off in Global Settings
If u have Active GLobal Autofix
U can set page select to mode 2
pageselect = 2;
U can off Autofix for only Executors
use command
Assign Executor 301 Thru 816 / AutoFix = "Off"
Code Update for APC Mini MK2 for dot2
New Functionality (cuepage)
A new feature has been added, allowing you to set a page number for executors. When this functionality is enabled, pressing a button will execute the command goto cue 1
, and releasing the button will execute goto cue 2
This option is disabled by default in the main file.
To enable it, set the page number for which this feature should be active.
cuepage = 0; // Select page to use cue switch mode: 1-5 = on, 0 = off
Additionally, you can customize which cues are triggered upon button press and release (for the entire page):
// global variables
var CueOn = "Cue 1";
var CueOff = "Cue 2";
Happy testing!
Assign Executor 101 Thru 816 / AutoFix = "Off"