Releases: Artificial-Pancreas/iAPS
Release 6.4.6
Release 6.4.5
- Add setting to display the carb equivalent amount (g) in main chart.
- Autotune fix. fix for carbs and pump history, making them compatible with the oref0 autotune module, by @yurique.
Makes a big difference to the Autotuned profiles, now more reasonable and useful than ever before. A consequence of this update is a longer processing time. AT is only run once around midnight, hence shouldn’t affect the performance, but could affect the total loop duration statistics slightly when AT is enabled - Source string updates and typo fix by @luborjurena
- Thank you Hung Nguyen, @luborjurena, Aleksandr Van-Zaam, Nicole van Elst - van den Hoek and Mykola (Yroslavadudko).
Release 6.4
Dana pump support: Dana-i pump and Dana-RS pump with firmware version 3 and higher. Thank you @bastiaanv!
CGM time remaining in header View. Display both time remaining and the sensor age. Enable in UI/UX settings. When using xdrip or glucoseDirect you will now have the option to enter maximum sensor life-span in CGM settings. This setting serves two objectives: indirectly tell iAPS the type of sensor and allow for correct display of an eventual extended sensor life-span .
Separate anubis option: only display SAGE. not time reamaining.
A complete rewrite of the carbs <-> bolus flow. Don't save anything until flow completed, that is only when tapping "Save" or "Bolus" or "Save without bolusing". Never delete anything (not needed anymore).
Display full Meals in History View: carbs, fat and protein.
Edit meals in History View, every entity (carbs, fat and protein). When just carbs you can still add fat and protein and vice versa remove, if needed.
Remove FPUs from history table, as these no longer needed - instead you can see and edit the meals in history. -
When loop suggestion fails you can now still get a simplified and conservative recommendation in bolus calculator (when not using the eventual glucose prediction). If missing glucose you'll now have the option enter glucose (for instance when between CGM sensors) to include in recommendation.
Always display the most current predictions on bolus view (not last loop). When failed loop adjust the bolus View.
Make the bolus progress slightly bigger, with an updated button with a bigger area for canceling the current bolus.
New option to End Override with next Meal, like in Loop (pre-meal).
Update COB and IOB whenever carb updates (edit, deletion etc. ).
Update colour of time remaining
HealthKit and Nightscout updates and more.
- Resolve an oref0 warning due to pump rate ≠ pump history rate, resolved issue #1160.
- Round adjusted temp basal before saving.
- Display IOB View when there is data
- Update GitHub browser build instructions.
- Sort all carb_data by the actual date in oref0. In oref0 the carb_data are processed in order of the created_at date, however the added carb equivalents in carb_data object were not sorted by this date property.
- Same colour for very high and very low blood glucose.
- And more!
- Thank you translators: Hung Nguyen (phuteleco), Nicole van Elst - van den Hoek, Mykola (Yroslavadudko), luborj, Aleksandr Van-Zaam and NCAA!
Release 6.2.3
Add back middleware for Dynamic ISF (inadvertently removed)
Release 6.2.2
Quicker loops.
Override Preset View updates.
Release 6.2
3 new shortcuts. You don't need any of the Nightscout remote commands anymore. Open/Closed loop mode, Enact temp basal rate and Resume/Suspend.
Edit any of your override presets.
Only display the overrides in preset preview - the values overridden (similar to %).
Add tags in profile presets list View for better overview.
Help the switchers trio -> iAPS, by request.
Crowdin translations. Thank you Nicole van Elst - van den Hoe, Hung Nguyen, Aleksandr Van-Zaam and davidprogramme!
Resolve issues: display of carbs in confirmation summary box in carb shortcuts, live editing in pump settings View and more.
Release 6.0.0
1: Bug fixes and SwiftUI optimization. Minimum iOS 17 now required.
2: Added the optional algorithm Auto ISF, which adapts your ISF based on your glucose history.
Based on gazelle's AAPS Auto ISF 3.0.1, but with code refactored and easier to read and code put in separate module.
The Auto ISF code is contained in a separate module and open layer of iAPS, run before the vanilla oref0, like a middleware, making it easy to review, maintain and test, while keeping it insulated from the core vanilla oref0 code.
All of the added Auto ISF JavaScript code is open and unminimized (readable), residing in the two auto isf files: iAPS/FreeAPS/Resources/javascript/autoisf/autoisf.js and /iAPS/FreeAPS/Resources/javascript/autoisf/glucose-get-last-autoisf.js, only run in the Auto ISF layer, when using Auto ISF.
Like before iAPS is using the stable, well tested vanilla oref0 code for the core algorithm (oref0).
Thank you @yurique for some of the improvements to the original Auto isf 3.0.1 in the form of an improved calculation of glucose averages and a fix for not treating good glucose values (at target) as plateaued. Thank you also for all the testing and issue resolving.
Other features differing from gazelle's's Auto ISF is the addition of B30 and the Keto protection.
3: B30 is an option to enact a high temporary basal after a meal to reduce/remove the postprandial glucose spike.
4: Keto protection is an option to enact a small temporary basal whenever you have negative insulin over 60 basalminutes to reduce the production of ketone bodies. Idea is from, in iAPS refactored to Swift code.
Even more iAPS updates in the form of
5: An optional Chart for iAPS Live activty, by @yurique.
6: New pump graphics in Home View for MDT and Dana pumps, dynamically illustrated with the insulin remaining in reservoir.
7: Whenever insulin reservoar < 15 % the insulin turns red.
8: New overrides for all the new Auto ISF settings, allowing for all sorts of overrides, shortcuts and automation.
9: New override option to only adjust ISF, CR or Basal insulin.
10: All settings in iAPS can now be entered with user-preferred glucose unit. Thank you @yurique
11: New testing script for testing of the OpenAPSManager. This script can also be used to test various new algorithms and oref0 suggestions.
12: And much more!
The middleware function parameter "dynamicVariables" has been removed in version 6.0.
To read/or change the dynamicVariables in middleware use: "profile.dynamicVariables" instead.
A big thank you to the Crowdin translators Hung Nguyen (phuteleco), Mykola (Yroslavadudko), Mirko Trierenberg (Mirko-t), Aleksandr Van-Zaam (vanzaam), davidprogramme (daviddetommasi), Typ1er and Nicole van Elst - van den Hoe!
The Auto ISF descriptions are from mountrcg iAPS fork.
Co-authored-by: yurique [email protected]
Release 5.8.0
- Add a search function for the saved food entries (when more than 4).
- Edit saved food presets. Swipe right to edit, swipe left to delete.
- Add details to the saved food preset list. Display carbs, fat, protein and name of dish.
- Move "Save as Preset" and "delete preset" to the new preset list View for a more compact Add Carbs View.
- Add a plus button to the meal preset list. We now can add meal presets in the list View in two ways.
- Use carbsRequired as condition for eventual hypo treatment to keep View cleaner.
- Add new button for hypo treatment (orange)
- 2 new app icons. Build in Xcode 15.4 or with GitHub Actions to see the icons in the icon picker (there's a bug in current Xcode 16 release).
- Save autotuned basals to pump. Back and working! Resolves Issue 711.
- Resolve issue Dynamic ISF average -- possible bug #963
- Refactor waiter's notepad. Fix for some corner cases.
- New localizations
- New Crowdin translations from our translators. Big thank you to Hung Nguyen (phuteleco), Mykola (Yroslavadudko), Mirko Trierenberg (Mirko-t), Aleksandr Van-Zaam (vanzaam), davidprogramme (daviddetommasi) and Typ1er!
- New insulin concentration setting in pump settings
Change insulin to a non standard insulin concentration, without having to change any of your other settings in iAPS (ISF, CR or Basal rate settings). TDD and pump history and IOB and oref0 suggestions will stay the same, regardless of concentration setting.
Just change one setting, the insulin concentration setting in pump settings, when changing to another insulin concentration (U200 or diluted insulin). To use a diluted insulin setting you first need to enable dilution in debug option before this option appears in the concentration Picker (for safety, because choosing for instance U10 with a normal U100 insulin would equate to a 1000% override).
Optional Insulin concentration badge in Home View
CAVE! All existing settings in iAPS have to be entered using standard insulin concentration (ISF, CR, Basal rates) before changing this setting. Any on-device pump bolus calculator (Medtronic or Dana) will not display a correct bolus suggestion amount unless you also change the CR and ISF locally on the pump, as CR and ISF entries are never saved on pump in iAPS. New basal rate settings will be automatically saved on pump, to support open loop mode and disconnects.
- New pod image in header View, which fills up with blue insulin to easier see the pod insulin amount. An added optional label for the insulin concentration for this pod Image in header View. Change setting in UI/UX View. Added a small amount of padding between the test tubes (COB and IOB).
- Alert when tapping bolus button while pump is bolusing. Prevents making a new bolus while iAPS is already bolusing. Either wait or cancel the current bolus first before entering bolus View.
- Support the newer libre 2 plus European sensors. (#886)
- Resolve a type error (#935). Resolves a Preferences type error.
CAVE! This will reset Preferences.json to defaults, but if you have backup of settings enabled (sharing) you will have the option to restore the settings with just a tap in a confirmation dialogue, no key needed. - Save the new CR, not the old (profile CR). Resolves issue #931
- Resolve issue #380
- Resolve double basal adjustment, commits ab239e0 and c557099
- Allow bolus calculator adjustment with two fraction digits, by request.
- Reduce minutes for bolus View reminder and bolus View max minutes, by request.
- Bump version nr
- New localizations (Active insulin and Active Carbohydrates Views etc.)
- Crowdin translations. Thank you Mirko Trierenberg, Mykola (Yroslavadudko), Aleksandr Van-Zaam (vanzaam), Hung Nguyen (phuteleco) and Daniël Schoenmaker (53645714n)!
Release 5.4.0
More loop statistics. (#896)
Upload most frequent loop error type (#900)
Display the average ISF/CR/CSF in Dynamic settings (#903)
Upload the number of most frequent error type, not just the error type. (#910)
Display pod days and hours (expiration date) (#914)
Merge Crowdin translations
Clean up some test code (#909)
Bump version