This modified test-network only supports working with exactly 4 organizations.
How to run:
- Copy the test-network to your fabric-samples folder, and cd to fabric-samples
cd test-network
./ up createChannel -s couchdb
cd addOrg3
./ up -s couchdb
cd ../addOrg4
./ up -s couchdb
cd ..
- After this use the ordinary chaincode deployment command, it has been automated for 4 organizations.
./ deployCC -ccn private -ccp /d/Projects/BlockTorrent/master/hlf/blockchain/contracts/secret-sharing/chaincode-go -ccl go -ccep "OR('Org1MSP.peer')" -cccg /d/Projects/BlockTorrent/master/hlf/blockchain/contracts/secret-sharing/chaincode-go/collections_config.json