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Read and write freeform JSON with precise error checking.


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API for procedural reading and writing of JSON data, decoupled from source-level object representations to maximize developer freedom.

JSON construction is driven by the builder pattern, rather than an object mapping supplied through, e.g., annotations. Freeform writing support is provided via JSONWriter, which provides precise errors and fast failures. Serialization support is provided via the JSONFriendly interface; deserialization support is provided via the JSONData hierarchy, and easily integrated through implementation of a constructor accepting a JSONData instance.

Supports ECMA 404: "The JSON Data Interchange Format". Supports Kotlin/JVM on JVM ≥11, using interoperability features, e.g., @Throws annotations, for clean integration with Java. Does not support Kotlin/JS or Kotlin/Native.

Key Types


A JSONWriter builds JSON using an underlying; unless a custom Writer is passed, it will use a The current state of the writer is managed using JSONStates, and the current state controls which subsequent operations are legal. If an illegal operation is attempted, an IllegalStateException is thrown.

Pretty printing is available, but must be requested (via a constructor parameter).


A JSONReader parses a JSON string into a JSONData instance; this object can be queried for values using string keys.


JSONData represents a single JSON datum, and provides queries for determining type compliance, e.g., isInt, isString, and extractors for obtaining demarshaled Kotlin values, e.g., int, string. Subclasses differentiate by type and role — JSONNull for the null value, JSONValue for booleans and strings, JSONNumber for numbers, JSONArray for arrays, and JSONObject for objects — and may provide additional behaviors. JSONData is a sealed hierarchy, for convenient use within when expressions.


Classes that implement the JSONFriendly interface override the writeTo method to control their serialization to JSON, via calls to the supplied JSONWriter:

 * Emit a JSON representation of the JSONFriendly receiver onto the
 * specified JSONWriter.
 * @param writer
 *   A JSONWriter.
fun writeTo(writer: JSONWriter)


Freeform JSON Writing

The following example shows freeform writing, using application configuration as the theme:

import org.availlang.json.JSONWriter

// Fictional configuration state.
var verbose = false
var logLevel = 0

fun writeConfiguration(writer: JSONWriter) = {
	// Write a complete JSON object, whose properties are defined by the
	// block. `writer` is an implied receiver within the block.
	writeObject {
		// Write a string value at the key "verbose".
		at("verbose") { write(verbose) }
		// Write an int value at the key "logLevel".
		at("logLevel") { write(logLevel) }

// Write configuration data.
val writer = JSONWriter()
val document = writeConfiguration(writer)
assert(document == """{"verbose":false,"logLevel":0}""")

Freeform JSON Reading

The following example shows freeform reading, using application configuration as the theme:

import org.availlang.json.JSONData
import org.availlang.json.JSONObject
import org.availlang.json.JSONReader

// Fictional configuration state.
var logLevel = 5
var verbose = true

fun readConfiguration(document: JSONData)
	// The document is really a JSONObject. Read the fields, in any order you
	// like; here, it just so happens to be the opposite order from which they
	// were written.
	document as JSONObject
	logLevel = document["logLevel"].int
	verbose = document["verbose"].boolean

// Read configuration data from the JSON string.
val json = """{"verbose":false,"logLevel":0}"""
val document = JSONReader(json.reader()).read()
assert(logLevel == 0)


The following example shows serialization, using a simple user model as the theme:

import org.availlang.json.JSONArray
import org.availlang.json.JSONFriendly
import org.availlang.json.JSONObject
import org.availlang.json.JSONReader
import org.availlang.json.JSONWriter
import java.util.UUID
import java.util.UUID.fromString as uuid

class User(
	val id: UUID,
	val fullName: String,
	val preferredName: String,
	val isActive: Boolean,
	val ageAtSignup: Int,
	val securityRules: List<String>
): JSONFriendly
	// Deserialize a User from the supplied JSONObject.
	// Note that not all keys match field names. This is perfectly okay,
	// as this is a freeform JSON library! You just need to use the
	// same keys when writing and reading, of course!
	constructor(data: JSONObject): this(
		id = uuid(data["id"].string),
		fullName = data["fullName"].string,
		preferredName = data["preferredName"].string,
		isActive = data["active"].boolean,
		ageAtSignup = data["age"].int,
		securityRules = (data["rules"] as JSONArray).strings

	// Serialize the receiver to the specified JSONWriter. Overridden from
	// JSONFriendly.
	override fun writeTo(writer: JSONWriter) = {
		// Pack all data into a JSON object.
		writeObject {
			// Write the fields. You can write them out in any order you like,
			// however the order used in this function implementation is the
			// order in which fields will appear in the final JSON string.
			// Again, note that not all keys match field names, but they do
			// (and must) align with the keys used by the constructor.
			at("id") { write(id.toString()) }
			at("fullName") { write(fullName) }
			at("preferredName") { write(preferredName) }
			at("active") { write(isActive) }
			at("age") { write(ageAtSignup) }
			at("rules") { writeStrings(securityRules) }

	companion object
		// Deserialize a JSON document comprising a single User.
		fun deserialize(json: String): User
			// Obtain a StringReader over the supplied JSON, then extract a
			// JSONData that represents the whole JSON document. Cast it to
			// JSONObject before the constructor call.
			val data = JSONReader(json.reader()).read()
			return User(data as JSONObject)


Read and write freeform JSON with precise error checking.








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