Real Time Text Composite Changes #35344
10 errors
Install packlets used by browser tests
Module '"@azure/communication-calling"' has no exported member 'RealTimeTextResultType'.
Install packlets used by browser tests
Module '"@azure/communication-calling"' has no exported member 'RealTimeTextInfo'.
Install packlets used by browser tests
Property 'RealTimeText' does not exist on type '{ Recording: CallFeatureFactory<RecordingCallFeature>; Transfer: CallFeatureFactory<TransferCallFeature>; ... 21 more ...; MediaAccess: CallFeatureFactory<...>; }'.
Install packlets used by browser tests
Module '"@azure/communication-calling"' has no exported member 'RealTimeTextInfo'.
Install packlets used by browser tests
Module '"@azure/communication-calling"' has no exported member 'RealTimeTextFeature'.
Install packlets used by browser tests
Module '"@azure/communication-calling"' has no exported member 'RealTimeTextInfo'.
Install packlets used by browser tests
Module '"@azure/communication-calling"' has no exported member 'RealTimeTextReceivedEventHandler'.
Install packlets used by browser tests
The operation was canceled.
Upload playwright test results
No files were found with the provided path: packages/react-composites/test-results/*/e2e-results.json. No artifacts will be uploaded.