The language is still being heavily developed any bugs, bad coding practices etc will be corrected in due time This is a simple experimental programming language that am literally intending for it to become big :)
The parser is not well implemented yet, the evaluator has massive code repetitions and alot more but hey it works :)
print("Hello world")
def InvalidCallback = "InvalidCallback"
def InvalidArgumentType = "InvalidArgumentType"
fun takesACallback(age, callback) {
if age < 18 {
# a one for introspection ---> improve it though
if type(callback) != "function" {
raise Exception(InvalidCallback, "Expected a callback")
return callback(age)
return nil
# we can catch exceptions
fun demoExceptionHandling(throw) {
if type(throw) != "boolean" {
raise Exception(InvalidArgumentType, "throw should be a boolean")
try {
if throw {
print(takesACallback (12, 8))
# this is a correct execution
print(takesACallback (12, fun (age) {
print("we are in the callback")
return age
} catch(error) {
if type(error) == InvalidCallback {
print("caught the error: {error[0]}")
} else {
raise error
# throw the exception
# dont throw the exception