The notes and assignments for 320
We will allow you to share tests with the class. These instructions are a work in progress, please add to them.
- Click the pencil in the upper right corner
- edit the file
- press "Create a new branch for this commit and start a pull request"
- click the make pull request button
- wait for aproval, you will see your request under "Pull requests"
- Someone will merge you commit or comment about why it can't be merged
- if there are problems with you commit you will need to follow some of the instructions bellow to fix it
- Make a fork of the class repo:
- clone your fork locally (keep it separate from your assignment clone)
- go to the test directory (in this case Fall-2018/assignments/week2/lab2/tests)
- add a test
- push the test up to your fork
- If your test looks good we will accept it
Once you have followed the steps for forking a repository all you need to do now is clone the forked repository into your terminal. Then follow these steps:
- Need to add the ability to update your forked repository to keep it up to date with the master branch
- '''cd'' into your forked repo
- type '''git remote add upstream'''
- type '''git fetch upstream''' then '''git pull upstream''' to update your forked repository with the master branch
- Now just make your edits, whether it be fixing typos, adding test cases, etc.
- Once you have made your changes, all you need to is push your changes to your forked repo to save your work.
- Pushing your work to the masterbranch
- Once you push your changes, go onto github and click the tab pull requests.
- Once in this tab, hit the button that says New pull request
- Once you get to this page, you will see this at the top
. This will compare your forked repository with the master branch.
- Then click Create a new pull
- Add any comment you want
- Then click Create a new pull at the bottom of the page
- After this you should have successfully put in the pull request, and now just wait for the person with the access to the master branch to accept the request.