GGFM is an open-source pipeline for graph foundation model based on PyTorch. We integrate SOTA graph foundation models.
It is under development, welcome join us!
GGFM works with the following operating systems:
- Linux
1. Python environment (Optional): We recommend using Conda package manager
.. code:: bash
conda create -n ggfm python=3.8
source activate ggfm
2. Pytorch: Follow their tutorial to run the proper command according to your OS and CUDA version. For example:
.. code:: bash
pip install torch torchvision torchaudio
3. DGL: Follow their tutorial to run the proper command according to your OS and CUDA version. For example:
.. code:: bash
pip install dgl -f
4. PyG: Follow their tutorial to run the proper command according to your OS and CUDA version. For example:
.. code:: bash
pip install torch_geometric
4. Install GGFM:
- install from pypi
.. code:: bash
pip install ggfm
- install from source
.. code:: bash
git clone
cd ggfm
pip install .