Releases: BarchamMal/MC-Extended
In this release I've updated to fabric version 0.14.22.
I have also fixed the ContainedFood item behavior; now it tries to give the player an item (i.e. bowl) when they eat a ContainedFood (i.e. Tomato Sauce, B&M), if the player has a full inventory, it throws the item on the ground.
Add better stew items.
All stew items added by MC-Extended (B&M, onion tomato sauce, tomato sauce) are now stackable and can be eaten 1 at a time.
This also fixes a misleading mistake in which B&M stack to 64, thus players would eat one of the stack and end up deleting the whole stack and only getting 1 bowl.
Release 0.3.0 adds many new things to MC-Extended!
0.3.0 adds:
- Four new entities:
- Silver Golem
- Trout
- Ender Cube
- Lost
- B&M (Bacon and Mushrooms)
This release makes MC-Extended a mod that is now very visible (i.e. you can't really play it without noticing it)
Added the Silver Golem Entity:
You can make it with a block of silver and a tomato, Like so:
The Silver Golem's stats compared to the Iron Golem's stats are below:
Attribute | Silver Golem | Iron Golem |
Max Health | 30F | 100F |
Movement Speed | 0.4F | 0.25F |
Knockback Resistance | 1F | 1F |
Attack Damage | 30F | 15F |
They are a useful golems and can guard the village better than iron golems.
(unless there is a horde of enemies)
MC-Extended v0.2.1
- Make ruby rarer
- Make sapphire rarer
- Make ruby and sapphire spawn based on the tags: ruby_spawns_in and sapphire_spawns_in, respectively
Full Changelog:
🔥 MC-Extended v0.2.0 - The Gemstone Update 💎
- Nerfed Ruby
- Added Sapphire
- Introduced Corundum (crafted using Ruby, Sapphire, and Netherite)
- Ruby now spawns only in deserts
- Sapphire now spawns only in cold biomes
Download now and experience the brilliance of precious gemstones in your Minecraft world! 💎🌟