- Crash Fix: Live Alien capture set for STR_TZEENTCH_ZEALOT_THRALL_RITUALIST
- Adjusted mini unit preview art for Inquisition storm troopers that had part of the white border visible.
- Enabled the new Craft Bolter Ammo (same as bike twin-linked heavy bolter ammo) and removed the old version to match 035.
- Set several vanilla Chaos Marines to 1 psiSkill, to avoid them getting vanilla OXCE values.
- Change two slaanesh scouts to appear as mediums instead of small on radar reports. Various other size upgrades on radar return for other UFO/Crafts.
- Scion Officer Carapace ufopedia fix.
- PDF Flak Armor appearing everywhere fix
- Female Imperial PDF now with different inventory sprite from the male version.
- Added Deathwatch variant armors to personal_lights.rul so they don't glow in the dark.
- Added resistances to Tzeentch magic to their own armors.
- Some GFX improvements for Tzeentch faction abilities.
- Removed voice line 3816 when moving male Scions, which would play 1 minute of voice clips.
- TU carry over script updated for temp over to_time (halved %), stun-lock incidents should now be greatly reduced.
- Added missing RandomType+FireBlastCalc to Redeemer Shells and LB Inferno Ammo
- Moved some chaos weapons into the chaos -pedia category (previously under weapons and equipment).
- TEST: Visual Indicator of hits. Units flash red if they've taken health damage, or white if they've only taken armor damage. The more intense the red flash, the greater the damage dealt.
- Added more mission types to the starting month script to increase variation of enemy lists encountered (not just normal cult/tzeentch cult).
- Removed promethium cost from HB_clip, makes existance more tolerable for Grey Knights.
- Faster Rhino refuel rate so it doesn't take 3 days to refuel.
- Vostroya Autofire reduced to 2 shots, but made more accurate.
- (Heavy) Lascannons reload speed standardized to 30 TU (slow to reload).
- More bolters have access to Kraken and Metal Storm rounds.
- Ultra Pattern Boltgun (available in the trade outpost) improved to be inbetween normal and mastercrafted pattern.
- ENEMY BASES: The bigger the base, the bigger the reward for destroying it, and the greater the penalty for aborting. Abort penalties are half the point rewards. Abort penalties are meant to counter base farming.
- Penalties for enemy Bases operating around the world updated (was already a thing, but weaker):
Bases now penalize score per day equal to X^2 where X is equal to their base level, capping at -20 per day.
Level 1 Base: -1 point per day
Level 2 Base: -4 points per day
Level 3 Base: -8 points per day
Level 4 Base: -16 points per day
Level 5 Base: -20 points per day
CSM and Necron bases count as being level 4. This is meant to feature base proliferation as a soft lose condition.
- Grenade changes: Smoke, Frag, Phosphor, Melta, Hologram, Eldar and Krak grenades made slightly lighter (-1 weight from previously) and cheaper to prime and throw. Frags and kraks can be primed and thrown in the same turn (30-40% TU cost per action). For frags, 60% of TU cost instead of 80% previously. Proximity and Krak grenades cost 70% of TU. Heavier grenades cost 10% more TU to throw and the Melta bomb costs 80% TU to prime and throw.
- Sound-effects added to indicate priming/unprimed grenades.
- Lighter weight means they can be tossed their maximum distance by lower strength units.
- Frag grenades now do less item damage (-75%).
- 40mm launched melta grenades preArmor damage improved. 50% of 90 power in armor damage.
- Adapted Adeptas Sentinel variants for Drop Pod use (less prone to seriously injuring the pilot on drop).
- Melta-lance Sentinel improved. Slightly better armor and better attack range (harmony beamer melta type).
- Arche Sniper Rifle max range 35 removed.
- Stormbolter Turrets for Adeptas Drop Pods.
- Lead by Example nerfed; no longer provides healing and has a stun cost. Fixed some bugs with it.
- Dominion Strategy Adeptas can now requisition Inquisitorial Stormtroopers.
- Mid-tier Light Bolters Mephisto and Hellspite can now use Elohim AP bolter rounds.
- Added ammo-crafting recipes.
- The Dominion Power Axe and Zweihänder now does plasma damage-type like other power weapons.
- Adeptas Spirit of the Martyr miracle now removes all corruption/infection damage.
- Adeptas Thunderbolt accuracy improved.
- Stormbolter Turrets for Drop Pods.
- Fixed some bugs with Marine faster healing.
- Some general Thunderbolt stat standardization as all factions.
- Cost of Inq Stormtrooper requisition increased from $100000 to $250000 and from 120 Honor to 150 Honor.
- Inq Stormtroopers are now droppod compatible.
- Xiphon given 1 armor, 5 dodge, 5 hit bonus and repair rates on par with other basic interceptors; less speedy and maneuverable but more accurate.
- Greyknight armor given immunity to psi-attacks and infection.
- Tweaks to resist and zombiechance.
- Adjusted Inventory slots for DW Devastator Armor.
- Enabled MK7 Apothecary armor for DW.
- Officer's Sword Inspire ability now has a significant Stun cost and has a slight increase to its morale cost. Minor devotion scaling added.
- Gave the two new Necron units in 035 relevant Necron script tags and dodge values for the Scarabs (Still flimsy).
- Necron Scarabs now self-destruct when destroyed in a powerful fragmentation explosion.
- Lychguard Dispersion Shield now has snap shot mode for improved reaction fire.
- Tuned down PsiSkill values for low tier cultist members and blue horrors, witches and cult leaders/commanders are the primary psi-threat.
- Blue Fire made less direct damaging and more debuffing.
Available, Chill Mode files (see the discord):
- Delayed enemy item tech level progression to 24 months instead of default 12 months.
- Changed enemy races scaling to a 24 month cycle. 1: -> 2:, 2-> 4:, 3:-> 6: etc. Shift everything but month 0 entry.
- Set enemy count to 75% or so by lowering alienDeployments numbers and slightly lowered mission generation frequency from enemy bases.
- Disabled Hard Mode trigger for all player factions.