A Third Party Plugin creation that extends the documentation made by Epic
This is a simple template project that you can use to ease the development with Third Party libraries inside unreal.
It is based on but with some tweaks:
<<<<<<< HEAD 1 Go to "./Plugins/BaAwsSdk/Source/ThirdParty/BaAwsSdkLibrary" and open ExampleLibrary.sln for Vsiual Studio or Xcode project (not tested).
1 Go to "./Plugins/BAAwsSdk/Source/ThirdParty/BAAwsSdkLibrary" and open ExampleLibrary.sln for Vsiual Studio.
2 Change the "Solution Configuration" to "Release".
3 Build the solution ExampleLibrary.
4 Open Project "ThirdPartyExample.uproject" and/or generate visual studio/xcode project files.