This repo does not include all assets necessary for compiling the game. A prior copy of the game is required to extract the assets.
- Choice to force building for New 3DS systems; set
to 1.- Reduces length of time for is_new_n3ds functions and increases the number of concurrent sounds back to N64 defaults.
- Reduced the number of concurrent sounds for O3DS (modified from mkst#82)
- Added pre-built banner and icon.
- Based off Refresh 11
- Stereo 3D support; use the mini-menu to switch between 3D (400px) and 800px modes (800PX/AA disabled in 3D mode)
- Multi-threaded; audio thread runs on Core 1 on O3DS and Core 2 on N3DS; needs Luma v10.1.1 or higher
- Naïve frame-skip if frame takes longer than 33.3ms (1 / 30 FPS) to render. This option is no longer very useful, but is still available for posterity.
- Enable by building with
- Enable by building with
- Enhanced RSP Audio emulation performance
- Disable some minor performance enhancements by building with
. This should not impact quality, but may be useful for debugging. - Use the PC port's original audio emulation by building with
. This should not impact quality, but may be useful for debugging, and will overrideDISABLE_ENHANCED_RSPA
. - By default, 3DS audio uses some inaccurate math to increase performance with no perceptible loss in quality. To disable this, build with
. This may have no effect depending on the audio implementation being used; for example, Reference RSPA ignores this flag.
- Disable some minor performance enhancements by building with
- Configurable controls via
- Use this online editor from BenoitCaron.
- GFX_POOL_SIZE fix (support 60 FPS on 32bit platforms)
- Mini-menu (tap touch-screen to trigger)
- Enable/disable AA
- Enable/disable 800px mode
- Exit the game
- Touch-screen camera controls similar to SM64DS
- Support injection of SMDH file into the .3dsx
- Change the
in the base of this repository before building.
- Change the
- To change the CIA banner, modify the
and use bannertool to generate newicon.icn
respectively. - Patches updated for 3DS:
- Choice to disable audio at build-time; add build flag
After building, either install the .cia
if you made one, or copy over the
into the /3ds
directory on your SD card and load via The Homebrew Launcher.
After making any changes to your build flags, it is important to run make clean
before rebuilding, or else the new flags will not be applied.
Visit the wiki for information.
The following assumes a basic understanding of Docker; if you do not belong to the docker
group, prefix those commands with sudo
As of recently, using Docker Desktop for Windows and WSL2 has become the easiest way to build when using WSL. For more information, look here.
Clone Repository:
git clone
Navigate into freshly checked out repo:
cd sm64-port
Copy in baserom.XX.z64:
cp /path/to/your/ ./ # change 'us' to 'eu', 'jp' or 'sh' as appropriate
Build with pre-baked image:
Change VERSION=us
if applicable.
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/sm64 markstreet/sm64:3ds make --jobs 4 VERSION=us cia
As of recently, using Docker Desktop for Windows and WSL2 has become the easiest way to build when using WSL. For more information, look here.
Tested successfully on Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04. Does not work on 16.04.
sudo su -
apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y \
binutils-mips-linux-gnu \
bsdmainutils \
build-essential \
libaudiofile-dev \
pkg-config \
python3 \
wget \
unzip \
wget \
-O devkitpro.deb && \
echo ebc9f199da9a685e5264c87578efe29309d5d90f44f99f3dad9dcd96323fece3 devkitpro.deb | sha256sum --check && \
apt install -y ./devkitpro.deb && \
rm devkitpro.deb
dkp-pacman -Syu 3ds-dev --noconfirm
wget \
-O && \
echo 976c17a78617e157083a8e342836d35c47a45940f9d0209ee8fd210a81ba7bc0 | sha256sum --check && \
unzip -d /opt/devkitpro/tools/bin/ && \
chmod +x /opt/devkitpro/tools/bin/makerom && \
git clone
cd sm64-port
# go and copy the baserom to c:\temp (create that directory in Windows Explorer)
cp /mnt/c/temp/ ./
sudo chmod 644 ./
export PATH="/opt/devkitpro/tools/bin/:~/sm64-port/tools:${PATH}"
export DEVKITPRO=/opt/devkitpro
export DEVKITARM=/opt/devkitpro/devkitARM
export DEVKITPPC=/opt/devkitpro/devkitPPC
make --jobs 4
make cia # optional if you want a .cia
WSL is the preferred route, but you can also use MSYS2 (MINGW64) to compile.
For each instruction copy and paste the contents into the MING64 console.
Get MSYS2:
Navigate to and download the installer.
Install and Run MINGW64:
Next, Next, Next, Finish (keep the box checked to "Run MSYS 64bit now").
Add keyserver for package validation:
pacman-key --recv BC26F752D25B92CE272E0F44F7FD5492264BB9D0 --keyserver
pacman-key --lsign BC26F752D25B92CE272E0F44F7FD5492264BB9D0
Add DevKitPro keyring:
pacman -U --noconfirm
Add DevKitPro package repositories:
cat <<EOF >> /etc/pacman.conf
Server =
Server =
Update dependencies:
pacman -Syu --noconfirm
MINGW64 may close itself when done, if it does, find MSYS2 MinGW 64bit
in your Start Menu and open again.
Install Dependencies:
pacman -S 3ds-dev git make python3 mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc unzip --noconfirm
Download makerom:
Extract makerom:
unzip -d /opt/devkitpro/tools/bin/
Setup Environment Variables:
export PATH="$PATH:/opt/devkitpro/tools/bin" && echo "OK!"
export DEVKITPRO=/opt/devkitpro && echo "OK!"
export DEVKITARM=/opt/devkitpro/devkitARM && echo "OK!"
export DEVKITPPC=/opt/devkitpro/devkitPPC && echo "OK!"
Clone Repository:
git clone
Navigate into freshly checked out repo:
cd sm64-port && echo "OK!"
Copy in baserom.XX.z64:
This assumes that you have create the directory c:\temp
via Windows Explorer and copied the Super Mario 64 baserom.XX.z64
to it.
cp /c/temp/ ./ && echo "OK!" # change 'us' to 'eu', 'jp' or 'sh' as appropriate
Compile 3dsx:
make VERSION=us --jobs 4 # Change 'us' to 'eu', 'jp' or 'sh' as appropriate.
Create .cia:
make VERSION=us cia # Change 'us' to 'eu', 'jp' or 'sh' as appropriate.
TBD; feel free to submit a PR.
├── actors: object behaviors, geo layout, and display lists
├── asm: handwritten assembly code, rom header
│ └── non_matchings: asm for non-matching sections
├── assets: animation and demo data
│ ├── anims: animation data
│ └── demos: demo data
├── bin: C files for ordering display lists and textures
├── build: output directory
├── data: behavior scripts, misc. data
├── doxygen: documentation infrastructure
├── enhancements: example source modifications
├── include: header files
├── levels: level scripts, geo layout, and display lists
├── lib: SDK library code
├── rsp: audio and Fast3D RSP assembly code
├── sound: sequences, sound samples, and sound banks
├── src: C source code for game
│ ├── audio: audio code
│ ├── buffers: stacks, heaps, and task buffers
│ ├── engine: script processing engines and utils
│ ├── game: behaviors and rest of game source
│ ├── goddard: Mario intro screen
│ ├── menu: title screen and file, act, and debug level selection menus
│ └── pc: port code, audio and video renderer
├── text: dialog, level names, act names
├── textures: skybox and generic texture data
└── tools: build tools
- Credits go to Gericom for the sm64_3ds port that this flavour is based off.
- All those who have contributed PRs!
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.