Im Stefan
Currently a lowly junior in highschool with a deep enjoyment and passion for programing Very interested in graphical programing, computational mathematics, and cybersecurity
Self taught myslef Javascript through the online workspace P5JS which is an extension of processing
To this point, I have 4 years self taught experience with javascript, HTML5, and webdev Currently learning C++
If you care to journey about my ametur works,
(Please do be aware a majorty of the lag is do to the fact that it is running in the browser)
Some exploration involving perlin noise
My first "large" project that took about a semester, a simple particle physics engine
A very old rip off of bloons tower deffence, you have to make the level yourself, and level edditor is in the options g and H control the spawn and end
I have multiple other works but a recent update to the p5js framework has internal issues with many basic and important functions such as "Square" which has led many of my projects thus far to remain broken by the unfortunate issue