The app is an example of blog, which supports adding articles with images and embedded videos via the CKEditor5 - WYSIWYG editor.
- Upload articles and save them in the db
- Upload images and save them in the upload folder
- Care about security - large requests are refused, images filetype are checked
- Display basic blog (some functionality still under the development)
- Storing image paths in the article model in order to delete images with article
- Blog page with articles list
Admin page is located by the url "/admin/". By default it's protected by password.
- Snyk - vulnerability fixer (helps to keep dependencies up-to-date)
- PyCharm Python Security Scanner - Python and Django security checks
- Codecov - Code coverage measurement
- Code Inspector - Automated code reviews
- Splinter for integration browser tests
- Model bakery and Factory boy - DB mocking
- Pytest - test runner
- Python 3.6 - needed for f-string syntax
Another requirements are listed in requirements.txt