##Project Name Delani Studio
##Description Delani Studio is a landing page for a web-design studio that offers a description of what our company does. It consists of an introduction to the company and a detailed portfolio of some of our projects. The site incorporates bootstrap and jquery effects to illustrate out proficieny in these areas. #Technologies Used *HTML *CSS *Bootstrap *Javascript *JQuery
##Author(s) information.
##Setup instructions
- Clone this repository to your desired location in your computer.
git clone https://github.com/Brenda-M/Delani_Studio
- Open terminal command line then navigate to the project's directory.
cd Delani_Studio
- Open
on your Browser.
- Displays form for sending feedback to the company.
- INPUT: "User's name"
- INPUT: "User's email address"
- INPUT: "Message from the user"
- OUTPUT: "Thank you for submitting your form"
##Contact Information
- In in case of any feedback, you can reach us through:
- brendanjuguna1@[email protected]
- 0704281246
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2020 Muthoni Njuguna.