This project requires Gradle to build. See for instructions on how to download and configure gradle.
See libs/README.txt to see which jar files need to be copied from the Connect distribution.
Build using this gradle command:
gradle jar
This will produce connect.replyhandler-0.1.jar in build/libs.
Alternatively, you can build using maven: mvn package
To build without tests:
mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true package
This will build a jar in the target directory.
Add reply handler record:
insert into reply_handler_master ( reply_handler_id, company_id, name, class_name, handle_type_code, source_code, status_code, scope_code, handle_order, insert_datetime, insert_process, insert_user, update_datetime, update_process, update_user, apply_to ) values (
seq_reply_handler_id.nextval, 100, 'smskeyworddispatch', 'com.kana.connect.server.receiver.SMSKeywordDispatchReplyHandler', 101, 0, 0, 2, 3, sysdate, 'CE', 100, sysdate, 'CE', 100, 3 );
- handle_type_code can be anything
- source_code and status_code are unused and should be 0
- scope_code should be 2 for global
- handle_order can be any numbers; handlers are executed in handle_order
- apply_to can be 1 (all), 2 (email), or 3 (sms)
- Install jar on inside node
Copy the jar file to the kc/import directory on the inside node(s).
Edit the crm.env file on the inside node(s) to add the jar file to the classpath.
e.g. Add this to end of CLASSPATH: ':${KCHOME}/import/ConnectReplyHandlers-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar'
- Create kc/ file.
Restart the Connect service to force the new classpath to be used.