This is a litle something I threw together becaus I needed a P2P communication in my game and GameCenter wasn't able to keep up. There are 3 peice to this solution:
- Getting the IP address on the other side of my router, thanks for the public stun server Google
- Getting the IP addresses on the device side of my router -- this version grabs IPv4, including VPN
- Creating a match, which provides a mens of exchanging peer address and port information Once you've got those things in place:
- Broadcast via GameCenter your addreses and port, via PeerInfo
- Upon receiving the broadcast, send a BeginHandshake message to each address and port via upd Socket
- Upon receiving the BeginHandshake, send an EndHandshake to the peer via GameCenter, completing the P2P setup
A couple of additional notes. This utilizes CocoaAsyncSocket, thank you. This has a very trivial stun client, its not very robust. This has a trivial Game Center helper, which is good enough I grabbed and slightly modified the interface collector from: