This app will allow the mobile user to construct a meal plan for the upcoming timeframe (established by user) with provided meal recipes. The app will then compile a weekly shopping list depending on meals chosen or searched.
This mobile application implements the React-Native framework.
- App will prevent people from making impulsive unhealthy decisions
- Encourage people to experiment different meals
- Show calendar overview of meal plans and grocery list
- Select day from calendar to add one or more meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner, other)
- Meal search/selection from database of recipes and/or personal recipes
- Option to create and save personal recipes
- Compile a shopping list based on start and end date given by user
- Logins
- Calorie & Nutrition Tracker/Calculator
- Share meal plans
- Tooltip/Tutorial
Use the package manager npm to install PocketPrep dependencies.
npm install
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.