List all token holder addresses and balances at any specified blockchain height. This package makes queries to an SLPDB via the slpserve http gateway.
NOTE: All list results provided by this package should be double-checked between multiple SLPDB nodes because any instance of SLPDB may be out-of-sync, have an outdated version, or have a corrupted database. Be sure to know the SLPDB node instances you connecting to can be trusted and are properly maintained.
For a token this library can:
- List all token holder balances and addresses
- List all token UTXO values
- List all NFT token holders
- List tokens linked to a specific Token Document Hash
- List all NFTs that were ever part of an NFT Group
Applications can use this information to:
- Distribute eCash rewards to token holders, pro rata
- Airdrop existing token holders with new etokens, pro rata
- Build a token staking rewards systems using coin age
- Public key and user coordination in decentralized applications
By default this package connects to a public SLPDB node, but this can be overridden using Config.SetUrl("__")
This demo app allows the user to print eToken lists to the console. User can then copy/paste list result into Electrum ABC to distribute XEC rewards.
$ git clone
$ cd etoken-list
$ npm i
$ npm start
npm i etoken-list
<script src=''></script>
Get a list of token holder addresses and balances for a token using custom SLPDB instance:
let etokenlist = require("etoken-list");
const blockCutoff = 695000;
let list;
(async () => {
list = await etokenlist.List.GetAddressListFor(
// Result
Map(14) {
'etoken:qqwp8hdcm4pzh0szms4ws7vtg4y6v73ur5k2cwragz' => '100',
'etoken:qzzm4vmgpqeumxeuccy4xdz05aq2yg6mh5aj2tulx5' => '100',
'etoken:qr0w2r6hvd3rwlwj7qc520qtkzgqnt90sy0grcj2wt' => '1000',
'etoken:qzj5zu6fgg8v2we82gh76xnrk9njcreglu4mqtxxh5' => '1000',
'etoken:qr9dfz5ngm2xtr208fdzp4zny8tcpe4vquyuuuhark' => '888',
'etoken:qqartrrq3npyzpcqswq2hcslstzu38mq8gmmk4d5rf' => '10',
'etoken:qr204yfphngxthvnukyrz45u7500tf60vywwgwtned' => '80',
'etoken:qzln9cyenps0gznst42w3r3788m0fcld55z2hc2v56' => '2',
'etoken:qryzwruy2qkrr4jyf7l56zsu3tc7dupvjq0e92et39' => '18',
'etoken:qphlhe78677sz227k83hrh542qeehh8el53xmvqewn' => '7',
'etoken:qrpl4usqmv9pwk0w53cqduzc8yvc89mswccvzwnx86' => '1',
'etoken:qr2wg056z9fxzsqcf5t2ju7ch3v66238jvfyvesmj6' => '100',
'etoken:qqvu0ps25e4vpu00uyla5q4t32ljtuc8uym84ylx2z' => '100',
'etoken:qz2708636snqhsxu8wnlka78h6fdp77ar5tv2tzg4r' => '996594'
List the individual UTXOs, coin age, etc for a specified token ID:
let etokenlist = require("etoken-list");
const blockCutoff = 695000;
let list;
(async () => {
list = await etokenlist.List.GetCoinListFor(
// Result
txid: '5f76f67582c0968369ad2e03f3545e4c28db7f60e21b76255f5e4cfa026afdcb',
blk: 680063,
slpAmount: '100',
address: 'etoken:qqwp8hdcm4pzh0szms4ws7vtg4y6v73ur5k2cwragz',
vout: 1,
coinAge: 14937
txid: '9c3d3fe2528809c8a0fd2eb8b1030e5d8e06bafeb44d272d049081b3ba2cbbb6',
blk: 680064,
slpAmount: '100',
address: 'etoken:qzzm4vmgpqeumxeuccy4xdz05aq2yg6mh5aj2tulx5',
vout: 1,
coinAge: 14936
txid: '62854434f37f77ecc4efa168a9cb568b538c84ffdb11ad809bedae840f141b99',
blk: 680065,
slpAmount: '1000',
address: 'etoken:qr0w2r6hvd3rwlwj7qc520qtkzgqnt90sy0grcj2wt',
vout: 1,
coinAge: 14935
txid: '800bf66b46b65e0f5137a9049a0e5428a56626c030f38fc040c172857e3a9252',
blk: 680065,
slpAmount: '1000',
address: 'etoken:qzj5zu6fgg8v2we82gh76xnrk9njcreglu4mqtxxh5',
vout: 1,
coinAge: 14935
txid: '6632079a5f1a565bd173fdc9c9baac0c5646fae467e2f7e62efd2d0e849d1a65',
blk: 680086,
slpAmount: '888',
address: 'etoken:qr9dfz5ngm2xtr208fdzp4zny8tcpe4vquyuuuhark',
vout: 1,
coinAge: 14914
txid: '05f40504b5d4ca11c714043010fe9f2f8670cc94d11afd11b759a218b712c14b',
blk: 684267,
slpAmount: '3',
address: 'etoken:qqartrrq3npyzpcqswq2hcslstzu38mq8gmmk4d5rf',
vout: 2,
coinAge: 10733
txid: '2eeff69fd2338e50e1934e97dae0c841c7b4ef603e800cd06bc47da46e50a3ae',
blk: 684293,
slpAmount: '1',
address: 'etoken:qqartrrq3npyzpcqswq2hcslstzu38mq8gmmk4d5rf',
vout: 1,
coinAge: 10707
txid: '3f324d982a4cdb650631fda0d9bf8905c593e9483eed7df5d00435afa10bcf59',
blk: 684293,
slpAmount: '1',
address: 'etoken:qqartrrq3npyzpcqswq2hcslstzu38mq8gmmk4d5rf',
vout: 1,
coinAge: 10707
List the NFT holders for a specific NFT1 Group:
let etokenlist = require("etoken-list");
let list;
(async () => {
list = await etoken.Nft1List.GetConfirmedNftTokenHolders(
List all tokens with a Genesis pointing to a specific Document Hash:
let etokenlist = require("etoken-list");
let list;
(async () => {
list = await etoken.List.SearchForTokenIdInDocHash(
List all NFTs created for this specific NFT1 Group:
let etokenlist = require("etoken-list");
let list;
(async () => {
list = await etokenlist.Nft1List.SearchForNftsInGroup(
- Readme and repo URL fixes
- Converted from SLP to eCash
- Added nft method "GetConfirmedNftTokenHolders"
- Slightly modified options for "SearchForNftsInGroup"
- (breaking change) Complete refactoring of all methods
- (breaking change) Added static Config class for setting SLPDB URL
- Complete unit test coverage
- Removed support for unconfirmed transactions
- Don't publish .ts files to npm
- Allow mempool slp list queries, use block height = -1
- Include Genesis balance in query.ts
- Removed BigNumber.js dependency from demo.ts in favor of Big.js
- NOTE: All number rounding in demo uses default of ROUND_HALF_UP
- Updated gRPC deps and utilized the new getMedianTime() method
- Switched to big.js from bignumber.js in deps (demo.ts still uses BigNumber.js)
- Added MTP block selection option in demo.ts
- Other minor updates