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seabbs authored Jul 16, 2024
2 parents e8d67ef + c01b139 commit df7f8dc
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Showing 14 changed files with 489 additions and 16 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions pipeline/Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,9 @@ authors = ["Sam Abbott", "Sam Brand", "Zach Susswein"]
ADTypes = "47edcb42-4c32-4615-8424-f2b9edc5f35b"
AbstractMCMC = "80f14c24-f653-4e6a-9b94-39d6b0f70001"
AlgebraOfGraphics = "cbdf2221-f076-402e-a563-3d30da359d67"
CSV = "336ed68f-0bac-5ca0-87d4-7b16caf5d00b"
CairoMakie = "13f3f980-e62b-5c42-98c6-ff1f3baf88f0"
Dagger = "d58978e5-989f-55fb-8d15-ea34adc7bf54"
DataFramesMeta = "1313f7d8-7da2-5740-9ea0-a2ca25f37964"
Dates = "ade2ca70-3891-5945-98fb-dc099432e06a"
Expand Down
35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions pipeline/scripts/create_figure1.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
## Script to make figure 1
using Pkg
Pkg.activate(joinpath(@__DIR__(), ".."))

using EpiAwarePipeline, EpiAware, AlgebraOfGraphics, JLD2, DrWatson, Plots, DataFramesMeta,
Statistics, Distributions, CSV

pipelines = [
SmoothOutbreakPipeline(), MeasuresOutbreakPipeline(),
SmoothEndemicPipeline(), RoughEndemicPipeline()]

## load some data and create a dataframe for the plot
truth_data_files = readdir(datadir("truth_data")) |>
strs -> filter(s -> occursin("jld2", s), strs)
analysis_df = CSV.File(plotsdir("analysis_df.csv")) |> DataFrame
truth_df = mapreduce(vcat, truth_data_files) do filename
D = load(joinpath(datadir("truth_data"), filename))
make_truthdata_dataframe(filename, D, pipelines)

## Make mainfigure plots

# Define scenario titles and reference times for figure 1
scenario_dict = Dict(
"measures_outbreak" => (title = "Outbreak with measures", T = 28),
"smooth_outbreak" => (title = "Outbreak no measures", T = 35),
"smooth_endemic" => (title = "Smooth endemic", T = 35),
"rough_endemic" => (title = "Rough endemic", T = 35)

fig1 = figureone(truth_df, analysis_df, scenario_dict)

## Save the figure
save(plotsdir("figure1.png"), fig1)
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions pipeline/scripts/create_prediction_dataframe.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
using Pkg
Pkg.activate(joinpath(@__DIR__(), ".."))

using EpiAwarePipeline, EpiAware, AlgebraOfGraphics, JLD2, DrWatson, Plots, DataFramesMeta,
Statistics, Distributions, DrWatson

## load some data and create a dataframe for the plot
files = readdir(datadir("epiaware_observables")) |>
strs -> filter(s -> occursin("jld2", s), strs)

## Define scenarios
pipelines = [
SmoothOutbreakPipeline(), MeasuresOutbreakPipeline(),
SmoothEndemicPipeline(), RoughEndemicPipeline()]

## Set up EpiData objects: Used in the prediction dataframe for infection generating
## processes that don't use directly in simulation.
gi_params = make_gi_params(pipelines[1])
epi_datas = map(gi_params["gi_means"]) do μ
σ = gi_params["gi_stds"][1]
shape =/ σ)^2
scale = σ^2 / μ
Gamma(shape, scale)
end .|> gen_dist -> EpiData(gen_distribution = gen_dist)

## Calculate the prediction dataframe
prediction_df = mapreduce(vcat, files) do filename
output = load(joinpath(datadir("epiaware_observables"), filename))
make_prediction_dataframe_from_output(filename, output, epi_datas, pipelines)

## Save the prediction dataframe
CSV.write(plotsdir("analysis_df.csv"), prediction_df)
14 changes: 12 additions & 2 deletions pipeline/src/EpiAwarePipeline.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,15 +12,17 @@ module EpiAwarePipeline

using CSV, Dagger, DataFramesMeta, Dates, Distributions, DocStringExtensions, DrWatson,
EpiAware, Plots, Statistics, ADTypes, AbstractMCMC, Plots, JLD2, MCMCChains, Turing,
DynamicPPL, LogExpFunctions, RCall, LinearAlgebra, Random
DynamicPPL, LogExpFunctions, RCall, LinearAlgebra, Random, AlgebraOfGraphics,

# Exported pipeline types
export AbstractEpiAwarePipeline, EpiAwarePipeline, AbstractRtwithoutRenewalPipeline,
RtwithoutRenewalPriorPipeline, EpiAwareExamplePipeline, SmoothOutbreakPipeline,
MeasuresOutbreakPipeline, SmoothEndemicPipeline, RoughEndemicPipeline

# Exported utility functions
export calculate_processes
export calculate_processes, generate_quantiles_for_targets,

# Exported configuration types
export TruthSimulationConfig, InferenceConfig
Expand All @@ -46,6 +48,12 @@ export define_forecast_epiprob, generate_forecasts
# Exported functions: scoring functions
export score_parameters

# Exported functions: Analysis functions for constructing dataframes
export make_prediction_dataframe_from_output, make_truthdata_dataframe

# Exported functions: Make main plots
export figureone

# Exported functions: plot functions
export plot_truth_data, plot_Rt

Expand All @@ -57,5 +65,7 @@ include("simulate/simulate.jl")
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions pipeline/src/analysis/analysis.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
64 changes: 64 additions & 0 deletions pipeline/src/analysis/make_prediction_dataframe_from_output.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
Create a dataframe containing prediction results based on the given output and input data.
# Arguments
- `filename`: The name of the file.
- `output`: The output data containing inference configuration, IGP model, and other information.
- `epi_datas`: The input data for the epidemiological model.
- `qs`: An optional array of quantiles to calculate. Default is `[0.025, 0.5, 0.975]`.
# Returns
A dataframe containing the prediction results.
function make_prediction_dataframe_from_output(
filename, output, epi_datas, pipelines; qs = [0.025, 0.5, 0.975])
#Get the scenario, IGP model, latent model and true mean GI
inference_config = output["inference_config"]
igp_model = output["inference_config"].igp |> string
scenario = EpiAwarePipeline._get_scenario_from_filename(filename, pipelines)
latent_model = EpiAwarePipeline._get_latent_model_from_filename(filename)
true_mean_gi = EpiAwarePipeline._get_true_gi_mean_from_filename(filename)

#Get the quantiles for the targets across the gi mean scenarios
#if Renewal model, then we use the underlying epi model
#otherwise we use the epi datas to loop over different gi mean implications
used_epi_datas = igp_model == "Renewal" ? [output["epiprob"]] : epi_datas

preds = nothing
preds = map(used_epi_datas) do epi_data
generate_quantiles_for_targets(output, epi_data, qs)
used_gi_means = igp_model == "Renewal" ?
[EpiAwarePipeline._get_used_gi_mean_from_filename(filename)] :

#Create the dataframe columnwise
df = mapreduce(vcat, preds, used_gi_means) do pred, used_gi_mean
mapreduce(vcat, keys(pred)) do target
target_mat = pred[target]
target_times = collect(1:size(target_mat, 1)) .+
(inference_config.tspan[1] - 1)
_df = DataFrame(target_times = target_times)
_df[!, "Scenario"] .= scenario
_df[!, "IGP_Model"] .= igp_model
_df[!, "Latent_Model"] .= latent_model
_df[!, "True_GI_Mean"] .= true_mean_gi
_df[!, "Used_GI_Mean"] .= used_gi_mean
_df[!, "Reference_Time"] .= inference_config.tspan[2]
_df[!, "Target"] .= string(target)
# quantile predictions
for (j, q) in enumerate(qs)
q_str = split(string(q), ".")[end]
_df[!, "q_$(q_str)"] = target_mat[:, j]
return _df
return df
@warn "Error in generating quantiles for targets in file $filename"
return nothing
38 changes: 38 additions & 0 deletions pipeline/src/analysis/make_truthdata_dataframe.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@

make_truthdata_dataframe(filename, truth_data, pipelines; I_0 = 100.0)
Create a DataFrame containing truth data for analysis.
# Arguments
- `filename::String`: The name of the file.
- `truth_data::Dict`: A dictionary containing truth data.
- `pipelines::Array`: An array of pipelines.
- `I_0::Float64`: Initial value for I_t (default: 100.0).
# Returns
- `df::DataFrame`: A DataFrame containing the truth data.
function make_truthdata_dataframe(filename, truth_data, pipelines; I_0 = 100.0)
I_t = truth_data["I_t"]
true_mean_gi = truth_data["truth_gi_mean"]
log_It = _calc_log_infections(I_t)
rt = _calc_rt(I_t, I_0)
scenario = _get_scenario_from_filename(filename, pipelines)
truth_procs = (; log_I_t = log_It, rt, Rt = truth_data["truth_process"])

df = mapreduce(vcat, keys(truth_procs)) do target
proc = truth_procs[target]
_df = DataFrame(
target_times = 1:length(proc),
target_values = proc
_df[!, "Scenario"] .= scenario
_df[!, "True_GI_Mean"] .= true_mean_gi
_df[!, "Target"] .= string(target)
return _df

return df
165 changes: 165 additions & 0 deletions pipeline/src/mainplots/figureone.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
Internal method to check if the required columns are present in the truth dataframe.
# Arguments
- `truth_df`: The truth dataframe to be checked.
function _figure_one_truth_dataframe_checks(truth_df)
@assert "True_GI_Mean" names(truth_df) "True_GI_Mean col not in truth data"
@assert "Scenario" names(truth_df) "Scenario col not in truth data"
@assert "target_times" names(truth_df) "target_times col not in truth data"
@assert "target_values" names(truth_df) "target_values col not in truth data"

Internal method to perform checks on the analysis dataframe to ensure that it contains the required columns.
# Arguments
- `analysis_df`: The analysis dataframe to be checked.
# Raises
- `AssertionError`: If any of the required columns are missing in the analysis dataframe.
function _figure_one_analysis_dataframe_checks(analysis_df)
@assert "True_GI_Mean" names(analysis_df) "True_GI_Mean col not in analysis data"
@assert "Used_GI_Mean" names(analysis_df) "Used_GI_Mean col not in analysis data"
@assert "Reference_Time" names(analysis_df) "Reference_Time col not in analysis data"
@assert "Scenario" names(analysis_df) "Scenario col not in analysis data"
@assert "IGP_Model" names(analysis_df) "IGP_Model col not in analysis data"
@assert "Latent_Model" names(analysis_df) "Latent_Model col not in analysis data"
@assert "target_times" names(analysis_df) "target_times col not in analysis data"

Internal method to perform checks on the truth and analysis dataframes for Figure One.
# Arguments
- `truth_df::DataFrame`: The truth dataframe.
- `analysis_df::DataFrame`: The analysis dataframe.
- `scenario_dict::Dict{String, Any}`: A dictionary containing scenario information.
# Raises
- `AssertionError`: If the scenarios in the truth and analysis dataframes do not match, or if the scenarios in the truth dataframe do not match the keys in the scenario dictionary.
function _figure_one_dataframe_checks(truth_df, analysis_df, scenario_dict)
@assert issetequal(unique(truth_df.Scenario), unique(analysis_df.Scenario)) "Truth and analysis data scenarios do not match"
@assert issetequal(unique(truth_df.Scenario), keys(scenario_dict)) "Truth and analysis data True_GI_Mean do not match"

Internal method for creating a figure of model inference for a specific scenario
using the given analysis data.
# Arguments
- `analysis_df`: The analysis data frame.
- `scenario`: The scenario to plot.
- `reference_time`: The reference time.
- `true_gi_choice`: The true GI choice.
- `used_gi_choice`: The used GI choice.
- `lower_sym`: The symbol for the lower quantile (default is `:q_025`).
- `upper_sym`: The symbol for the upper quantile (default is `:q_975`).
# Returns
- `plt_model`: The plot object.
function _figure_one_scenario(analysis_df, scenario; reference_time, true_gi_choice,
used_gi_choice, lower_sym = :q_025, upper_sym = :q_975)
model_plotting_data = analysis_df |>
df -> @subset(df, :True_GI_Mean.==true_gi_choice) |>
df -> @subset(df, :Used_GI_Mean.==used_gi_choice) |>
df -> @subset(df, :Reference_Time.==reference_time) |>
df -> @subset(df, :Scenario.==scenario) |>

plt_model = model_plotting_data *
mapping(:target_times => "T", :q_5 => "Process values",
col = :Target, row = :IGP_Model => "IGP model",
color = :Latent_Model => "Latent model") *
mapping(lower = lower_sym, upper = upper_sym) * visual(LinesFill)

return plt_model

Internal method that generates a plot of the truth data for a specific scenario.
## Arguments
- `truth_df`: The truth data DataFrame.
- `scenario`: The scenario for which the truth data should be plotted.
- `true_gi_choice`: The choice of true GI mean.
## Returns
- `plt_truth`: The plot of the truth data.
function _figure_one_scenario_truth_data(truth_df, scenario; true_gi_choice)
truth_plotting_data = truth_df |>
df -> @subset(df, :True_GI_Mean.==true_gi_choice) |>
df -> @subset(df, :Scenario.==scenario) |> data
plt_truth = truth_plotting_data *
mapping(:target_times => "T", :target_values => "values",
col = :Target, color = :Latent_Model) *
return plt_truth

Generate figure 1 showing the analysis and truth data for different scenarios.
## Arguments
- `truth_df`: DataFrame containing the truth data.
- `analysis_df`: DataFrame containing the analysis data.
- `scenario_dict`: Dictionary containing information about the scenarios.
## Keyword Arguments
- `fig_kws`: Keyword arguments for the Figure object. Default is `(; size = (1000, 2000))`.
- `true_gi_choice`: Value for the true generation interval choice. Default is `10.0`.
- `used_gi_choice`: Value for the used generation interval choice. Default is `10.0`.
- `legend_title`: Title for the legend. Default is `"Process type"`.
## Returns
- `fig`: Figure object containing the generated figure.
function figureone(
truth_df, analysis_df, scenario_dict; fig_kws = (; size = (1000, 2000)),
true_gi_choice = 10.0, used_gi_choice = 10.0, legend_title = "Process type")
# Perform checks on the dataframes
_figure_one_dataframe_checks(truth_df, analysis_df, scenario_dict)
# Treat the truth data as a Latent model option
truth_df[!, "Latent_Model"] .= "Truth data"

scenarios = analysis_df.Scenario |> unique
plt_truth_vect = map(scenarios) do scenario
_figure_one_scenario_truth_data(truth_df, scenario; true_gi_choice)
plt_analysis_vect = map(scenarios) do scenario
analysis_df, scenario; reference_time = scenario_dict[scenario].T,
true_gi_choice, used_gi_choice)

fig = Figure(; fig_kws...)
leg = nothing
for (i, scenario) in enumerate(scenarios)
sf = fig[i, :]
ag = draw!(
sf, plt_analysis_vect[i] + plt_truth_vect[i], facet = (; linkyaxes = :none))
leg = AlgebraOfGraphics.compute_legend(ag)
Label(sf[0, :], scenario_dict[scenario].title, fontsize = 24, font = :bold)

Label(fig[:, 0], "Process values", fontsize = 28, font = :bold, rotation = pi / 2)
Label(fig[:, 2], "Infection generating process",
fontsize = 24, font = :bold, rotation = -pi / 2)
_leg = (leg[1], leg[2], [legend_title])
Legend(fig[:, 3], _leg...)

return fig
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions pipeline/src/mainplots/mainplots.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

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