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Releases: CODARcode/cuZ-checker

Release 0.10

11 Oct 19:32
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Add Cuda version of computing derivatives
Replace qcat 1.1 by qcat 1.7

The first release

14 Dec 00:55
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This is the first release of cuZ-checker. The number is set to 0.8 for keeping consistent with the CPU version.
The GPU version of Z-checker (cuZ-Checker) supports all three categories of the metrics, including global reduction based metrics, stencil-like metrics and sliding-window based metrics.

Details could be found in our paper published IEEE Cluster2021.
Xiaodong Yu, Sheng Di, Ali Murat Gok, Dingwen Tao, Franck Cappello, "cuZ-Checker: A GPU-Based Ultra-Fast Assessment System for Lossy Compressions", in IEEE Cluster2021, 2021.