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1. Start by making a fork the repository. Click on the symbol at the top right corner.
2. Clone your new fork of the repository:
git clone https://github.com/<your-github-uername>/CSwala-website
3. Set upstream command:
git remote add upstream https://github.com/CSwala/CSwala-website.git
4. Install the dependencies
npm install
5. Run the application
npm Start
6. Navigate to the new project directory:
cd CSwala-website
7. Create a new branch:
git checkout -b YourBranchName
8. Sync your fork or local repository with the origin repository:
- In your forked repository click on "Fetch upstream"
- Click "Fetch and merge".
9. Make your changes to the source code.
10. Stage your changes and commit:
git add .
git commit -m "<your_commit_message>"
11. Push your local commits to the remote repository:
git push origin YourBranchName
12. Create a PR!
13. Congratulations! You've made your first contribution! 🙌🏼
For major changes, you are welcome to open an issue about what you would like to contribute. Enhancements are always encouraged and appreciated.
You can find our Contributing guidelines here.
Rituraj Jain 💻 |
Saransh Hardaha 💻 |
You can find our Code of Conduct here.
This project follows the MIT License.