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HydroServer Related Developments

Sherry edited this page Aug 16, 2017 · 1 revision

Getting HydroServer, Presentations and Publications, Training Materials

This page is for posting links to and descriptions of other development efforts that are related to CUAHSI HIS and HydroServer.

PyHIS (Python Hydrologic Information System) is a python module that enables retrieval of time series water data from WaterOneFlow/WaterML web services that are part of the national CUAHSI-HIS system. It is a key part of the Python services stack developed by the Texas Water Development Board for ‘Water Data for Texas’ - a unified hydrological information system that shares environmental data for the state of Texas. Go to the PyHIS page.

WOFpy stands for Water One Flow in Python. It is designed to produce WaterML web services from a variety of back-end database formats - e.g., SQLite, Microsoft SQL server, PostgreSQL, etc. It is a key part of the Python services stack developed by the Texas Water Development Board for ‘Water Data for Texas’ - a unified hydrological information system that shares environmental data for the state of Texas. Go to the WOFpy page.

A lightweight web client for viewing and editing data on a HydroServer in PHP.