We are using the Shared Repository Model
The Design Circle club (referred to as DC from here forward) currently does not have a truly functional site, though there is a little something here.
- Landing page
- Simple. Gentle gradient
- Logo in the center, with the title beneath it
- The three central circles of the DC logo are links to the three remaining pages, and are labeled respectively
- About page
- Officers section, featuring a tiles of the officer's portraits, where clicking on one shows more information about that person, à la Thoughtbot's people page
- A brief section for club history
- "Contact Us"/ sign up for listserv area
- Blog page
- Posts: Title, title image, and content generated with Sir Trevor
- One person per week is allowed to post. The admin will enter the email of the person to be given access for the week, and the link will expire in a week or when they post their article.
- Appears as tiles for the last 8 (2 rows of 4) posts with images as backgrounds, in something similar to the About page's officer tile layout
- Clicking on a tile expands it to fill the width of the tiles section, and expand vertically as necessary
- Events page
- Events: Title, title image, and content generated with Sir Trevor
- Follows the general "tiles" design scheme (2 rows of 4)
- Blog posts appear in the calendar, link to blog "show" page
- If there is an event or blog post, the background for that tile is the "title image"
- Events expand to fill calendar, in a similar way to how blog posts fill the blog area
- Git
- Mac: use Homebrew. MacPorts should work too, if you're into that
- Linux/BSD: use your package manager, it should be pretty up-to-date
- Otherwise: Visit the sort-of official website and download from there
- Node.js
- Mac/Linux: I use NVM to manage my Node versions. If that sounds good to you, there's an install script on their Github page
- Otherwise: Visit Node's website and click the big, green "Install" button
Clone the project
git clone [email protected]:CWDG/design-circle
Install dependencies
npm install
Install Grunt globally
npm install -g grunt-cli
Start the server
grunt serve