Cat things is a lightweight inventory control system developed for the CAT. Cat things will keep track of inventory levels, track usage trends, create shopping lists, and send alerts on low inventory.
Prerequisite: node.js must be installed on your machine before proceeding
Open a console and navigate to the THINGS/API/things-api directory then execute
npm install
Create a file in API/things-api/conf/db/db_info.js
Add the following lines
exports.config = { user: 'username', //env var: PGUSER database: 'databasename', //env var: PGDATABASE password: 'secret', //env var: PGPASSWORD host: 'hostname', // Server hosting the postgres database port: 5432, //env var: PGPORT max: 10, // max number of clients in the pool idleTimeoutMillis: 30000, // how long a client is allowed to remain idle before being closed };
Fill in the proper data to connect to your database.
Create a self-signed SSL certificate: (Prerequisite: openssl installed via npm insall -g openssl) Execute the following from the things-api directory:
mkdir conf/ssl cd conf/ssl openssl genrsa -des3 -passout pass:x -out server.pass.key 2048 openssl rsa -passin pass:x -in server.pass.key -out server.key rm server.pass.key openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr
fill out the fields when prompted. leave the optional fields blank. then execute the following:
openssl x509 -req -sha256 -days 365 -in server.csr -signkey server.key -out server.crt rm server.csr chmod 600 ./*
Create a key to sign your json web tokens: create a file called things-api/conf/jwtSecret.key wite 256 bytes of random data to the file. this is easily done from an online random number generator and copy pasted in. this link will give you a random 256 bytes, just copy it into the file. or execute the following command:
dd if=/dev/urandom of=./conf/jwtSecret.key bs=256 count=1
Create a new file in API/things-api/conf/mailopt.js.
Add the following lines
exports.mail = { from: '"name" <email-address>', // sender address to: 'destination' // list of receivers };
Where name is the name of the sender, email-address is their e-mail, and destination is the address to send the e-mail to.
Create another new file in API/things-api/conf/email_auth.js.
Add the following lines
exports.auth = { user: "sender", pass: "pw" };
Where sender is the e-mail address used to send e-mails about requests and inventory updates, and pw is the password to the account.
Open API/things-api/Front_End/templates/js/services/thingsAPI.js and edit line 26 as follows:
var _urlBase = 'https://<YOUR_DOMAIN_HERE>:<YOUR_PORT>/api/';
Launch the server from the things-api directory with
npm start --port 3000
you may specify the port with the --port flag
this section should be updated regularly